介紹牛肉英語作文?溫良若玉2022-01-27 21:36:25



牛肉片 1份約225g,洋蔥 半顆,牛蕃茄 1顆,紅蘿蔔 1條,馬鈴薯 1顆,蒜苗或青蔥 1株,米酒 1匙,薄鹽醬油 1匙,香油 少許,白胡椒粉 適量,薄鹽醬油 2匙,糖 1小匙,黑胡椒 適




3、鍋子加一點水,再加一點橄欖油,加熱冒煙後,把洋蔥和蒜白或蔥白炒香,再加牛蕃茄炒一下,再加紅蘿蔔和牛肉片炒一下,牛肉到半生熟時, 放入馬鈴薯。薄鹽醬油。糖拌一下,再加入可蓋住食材的水量和灑上黑胡椒粉,煮約10~20分,期間三不五時翻攪一下,完成時放入蒜青或蔥綠,悶一下,就可以起鍋了。

介紹牛肉英語作文?忠死籃球2021-06-21 16:37:56

Beef is the culinary name for meat from domestic cattle。 Beef can be harvested from cows, bulls, heifers or steers。 It is one of the principal meats used in the cuisine of the Middle East (including Pakistan and Afghanistan), Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Europe and the United States, and is also important in Africa, parts of East Asia, and Southeast Asia。

Beef is a good source of protein and minerals such as zinc, selenium, phosphorus and iron, and B vitamins。 Beef muscle meat can be cut into steak, roasts or short ribs。 Some cuts are processed (corned beef or beef jerky), and trimmings, usually mixed with meat from older, leaner cattle, are ground, minced or used in sausages。 The blood is used in some varieties of blood sausage