Ray Peat談鍛鍊




Incidental stresses, such as

strenuous exercise combined with fasting


running or working before eating breakfast

) not only

directly trigger the production of lactate and ammonia

, they also are likely to

increase the absorption of bacterial endotoxin from the intestine.

Endotoxin is a ubiquitous and chronic stressor。 It increases lactate and nitric oxide, poisoning mitochondrial respiration, precipitating the secretion of the adaptive stress hormones, which don’t always fully repair the cellular damage。









。 內毒素是一種普遍存在的慢性壓力源。 它增加乳酸和一氧化氮,使線粒體呼吸中毒,促進適應性應激激素的分泌,這些激素並不總是完全修復細胞損傷。

From the 19th century until the second quarter of the 20th century, cancer was investigated mainly as a metabolic problem。 This work, understanding the basic chemistry of metabolism, was culminating in the 1920s in the work of Otto Warburg and Albert Szent-Gyorgyi on respiration。 Warburg demonstrated as early as 1920 that a respiratory defect, causing aerobic glycolysis, i。e。, the production of lactic acid even in the presence of oxygen, was an essential feature of cancer。 (The formation of lactic acid is normal and adaptive when the supply of oxygen isn’t adequate to meet energy demands, for example when running。)

從19世紀到20世紀下半葉,癌症主要作為代謝問題進行研究。 這項瞭解新陳代謝的基本化學的工作在1920年代的Otto Warburg和Albert Szent-Gyorgyi關於呼吸的工作中達到高潮。Warburg早在1920年就證明,導致有氧糖酵解的呼吸缺陷,即即使在有氧的情況下也會產生乳酸,是癌症的一個基本特徵。 (當氧氣供應不足以滿足能量需求時,例如跑步時,乳酸的形成是正常和適應性的。)

Endotoxin (like intense physical activity) causes the estrogen concentration of the blood to rise.


Cytochrome oxidase in the brain can also be increased by mental stimulation, learning, and moderate exercise, but excessive exercise or the wrong kind of exercise (“eccentric”) can lower it (Aguiar, et al。, 2007, 2008), probably by increasing the stress hormones and free fatty acids。 Sedentary living a high altitude has beneficial effects on mitochondria similar to moderate exercise at sea level。

大腦中的細胞色素氧化酶也可以透過精神刺激、學習和適度運動增加,但過度運動或錯誤型別的運動(“古怪”)會降低它,可能透過增加壓力荷爾蒙和遊離脂肪酸。 在高海拔久坐對線粒體的有益影響類似於在海平面進行中等運動。

My first suggestion for someone with PMS is to avoid thyroid suppression (darkness and endurance exercise should be avoided), and to use my carrot salad recipe: Grated carrots, vinegar, coconut oil and salt are the essentials, garlic and olive oil are optional。 Acetic acid and fatty acids released from the coconut oil act at different levels, and the carrot fiber is a timed-release system which also binds toxins and stimulates the bowel; the salt spares magnesium and tends to inhibit excessive prolactin release。

我對PMS患者的第一個建議是避免甲狀腺抑制(應該避免黑暗和耐力運動),並使用我的胡蘿蔔沙拉食譜:磨碎的胡蘿蔔、醋、椰子油和鹽是必需品,大蒜和橄欖油是可選的。 從椰子油中釋放出的乙酸和脂肪酸在不同水平上發揮作用,胡蘿蔔纖維是一種定時釋放系統,它還能結合毒素並刺激腸道; 鹽可以避免鎂並傾向於抑制過度的催乳素釋放。

Estrogen increases most of the mediators of inflammatiop, which are generally inhibited by progesterone。 Estrogen also shifts many processes toward excitation, and it’s often hard to distinguish the mediators of inflammation from the mediators of excitation。 Free polyunsaturated fatty acids, for example, which are increased under the influence of estrogen (or exercise, diabetes, nighttime, aging, histamine, parasympathetic dominance, etc。), produce both inflammation and excitation。 Associated with the processes of inflammation and excitation is the tendency of estrogen and other inflammatory mediators, such as nitric oxide and serotonin, to impair mitochondrial respiration。 This effect on the cells’ energy production is probably responsible for many of the things that occur in asthma, such as edema and smooth muscle contraction。 Acute or chronic interference with mitochondrial respiration can produce a tremendous variety of symptoms, depending on the location, and the degree of the energy deprivation。 Exercise, probably acting through some of the same mediators, also impairs mitochondrial respiration。

雌激素會增加炎症的大部分介質,這些介質通常被黃體酮抑制。 雌激素還將許多過程轉向興奮,通常很難區分炎症介質和興奮介質。 例如,遊離多不飽和脂肪酸在雌激素(或運動、糖尿病、夜間、衰老、組胺、副交感神經支配等)的影響下增加,會產生炎症和興奮。 與炎症和興奮過程相關的是雌激素和其他炎症介質(例如一氧化氮和血清素)損害線粒體呼吸的趨勢。 這種對細胞能量產生的影響可能是哮喘中發生的許多事情的原因,例如水腫和平滑肌收縮。 線粒體呼吸的急性或慢性干擾會產生各種各樣的症狀,具體取決於位置和能量剝奪的程度。 運動,可能透過一些相同的介質起作用,也會損害線粒體呼吸。

Since fat has a very low rate of metabolism, people who lose muscle by fasting are going to have increasing difficulty in losing weight, since they will have less active tissue to consume fat.

Building up


and lymph tissue for optimal health – even if it initially causes a slight weight gain – will make reducing easier by increasing mass of metabolically active tissue。




Exertion and stress have in common the need for more fuel。


Many factors, including poor nutrition, climate, emotional or physical stress (even excessive running) and toxins, can cause a progesterone deficiency。


While jogging became popular for preventing heart disease, we were frequently told by experts how many miles a person has to run to burn off a pound of fat。 However, in Russia, physiologists always remember to include the brain in their calculations, and it turns out that

a walk through interesting and pleasant surroundings consumes more energy than does harder but more boring exercise. An active brain consumes a tremendous amount of fuel.

雖然慢跑因預防心臟病而變得流行,但專家們經常告訴我們,一個人需要跑多少英里才能燃燒掉一磅脂肪。 然而,在俄羅斯,生理學家總是記得在他們的計算中包括大腦,

事實證明,在有趣和愉快的環境中散步比進行更難但更無聊的運動消耗更多的能量。 一個活躍的大腦會消耗大量的燃料。

Histamine mimics estrogen’s effects on the uterus, and antihistamines block estrogen’s effects (Szego, 1965, Szego and Davis, 1967)。 Estrogen mimics the shock reaction。 Stress, exercise, and toxins cause a rapid increase in estrogen。 Males often have as much estrogen as females, especially when they are tired or sick。 Estrogen increases the brain’s susceptibility to epileptic seizures, and recent research shows that it (and cortisol) promote the effects of the “excitotoxins,” which are increasingly implicated in degenerative brain diseases。

組胺模擬雌激素對子宮的作用,抗組胺藥可阻斷雌激素的作用。 雌激素模擬休克反應。 壓力、運動和毒素會導致雌激素迅速增加。 男性的雌激素通常與女性一樣多,尤其是在他們疲倦或生病的時候。 雌激素會增加大腦對癲癇發作的易感性,最近的研究表明,它(和皮質醇)會促進“興奮毒素”的作用,而這種毒素越來越多地與退行性腦疾病有關。

Besides causing stress, estrogen levels are increased by stress。 For example,

a male runner’s estrogen is often doubled after a race

Men and women who are hospitalized for serious sickness typically have greatly increased estrogen levels

。 Estrogen’s role in terminal illness, a vicious circle in which stress decreases the person’s ability to tolerate stress, is seldom appreciated。

除了引起壓力外,雌激素水平也會因壓力而增加。 例如,


。 因


。 雌激素在絕症中的作用很少受到重視,這是一種壓力降低人承受壓力的能力的惡性迴圈。

Even in rich cultures, protein deficiency, inappropriate exercise, and emotional tension will contribute to premature aging of the individual, and damage to the offspring。


Stress uses progesterone and can cause menstrual periods to stop。 Girls who begin regular exercise (such as dancing) before puberty have later sexual development。

壓力消耗黃體酮並導致月經停止。 在青春期前開始定期鍛鍊(如跳舞)的女孩,其性發育較晚。

Lactic acid and carbon dioxide have opposing effects。 Intense exercise damages cells in ways that cumulatively impair metabolism。 There is clear evidence that glycolysis, producing lactic acid from glucose, has toxic effects, suppressing respiration and killing cells。 Within five minutes, exercise lowers the activity of enzymes that oxidize glucose。 Diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and general aging involve increased lactic acid production and accumulated metabolic (mitochondrial) damage。

乳酸和二氧化碳具有相反的作用。 劇烈運動以累積損害新陳代謝的方式損害細胞。 有明確的證據表明,糖酵解(從葡萄糖中產生乳酸)具有毒性作用,可抑制呼吸並殺死細胞。 在五分鐘內,運動會降低氧化葡萄糖的酶的活性。 糖尿病、阿爾茨海默病和一般衰老涉及乳酸生成增加和代謝(線粒體)損傷累積。

Since lactic acid is produced by the breakdown of glucose, a high level of lactate in the blood means that a large amount of sugar is being consumed; in response, the body mobilizes free fatty acids as an additional source of energy。 An increase of free fatty acids suppresses the oxidation of glucose。 (This is called the Randle effect, glucose-fatty acid cycle, substrate-competition cycle, etc。) Women, with higher estrogen and growth hormone, usually have more free fatty acids than men, and during exercise oxidize a higher proportion of fatty acids than men do。 This fatty acid exposure “decreases glucose tolerance,” and undoubtedly explains women’s higher incidence of diabetes。 While most fatty acids inhibit the oxidation of glucose without immediately inhibiting glycolysis, palmitic acid is unusual, in its inhibition of glycolysis and lactate production without inhibitng oxidation。 I assume that this largely has to do with its important function in cardiolipin and cytochrome oxidase。

由於乳酸是由葡萄糖分解產生的,血液中乳酸水平高意味著消耗了大量的糖; 作為迴應,身體動員遊離脂肪酸作為額外的能量來源。 遊離脂肪酸的增加抑制了葡萄糖的氧化。(這被稱為蘭德爾效應、葡萄糖-脂肪酸迴圈、底物-競爭迴圈等)女性,雌激素和生長激素較高,通常比男性有更多的遊離脂肪酸,在運動時氧化的脂肪酸比男性比例。 這種脂肪酸暴露“降低了糖耐量”,這無疑解釋了女性糖尿病發病率較高的原因。 雖然大多數脂肪酸抑制葡萄糖氧化而不立即抑制糖酵解,但棕櫚酸是不尋常的,它抑制糖酵解和乳酸生成而不抑制氧化。 我認為這很大程度上與它在心磷脂和細胞色素氧化酶中的重要功能有關。

In the last century, Sechenov found that exercising one hand strengthens not only that hand, but also the other。 Brain activity stimulates growth and alteration of tissues, such as muscles。

在上個世紀,謝切諾夫發現鍛鍊一隻手不僅可以增強那隻手的力量,還可以增強另一隻手的力量。 大腦活動刺激組織的生長和改變,例如肌肉。

One of the major “acute phase proteins,” C-reactive protein, is defensive against bacteria and parasites, but it is suspected to contribute to tissue degeneration。 When its presence is the result of exercise, estrogen, or malnutrition, then its association with asthma is likely to be casual, rather than coincidental。


The stressful conditions that physiologically harm mitochondria are now being seen as the probable cause for the mitochondrial genetic defects that accumulate with aging。 Stressful exercise, which has been known to cause breakage of the nuclear chromosomes, is now seen to damage mitochondrial genes, too。 Providing energy, while reducing stress, seems to be all it takes to reverse the accumulated mitochondrial genetic damage。 Fewer mitochondrial problems will be considered to be inherited, as we develop an integral view of the ways in which mitochondrial physiology is disrupted。 Palmitic acid, which is a major component of the cardiolipin which regulates the main respiratory enzyme, becomes displaced by polyunsaturated fats as aging progresses。 Copper tends to be lost from this same enzyme system, and the state of the water is altered as the energetic processes change。

生理上損害線粒體的壓力條件現在被視為隨著衰老而積累的線粒體遺傳缺陷的可能原因。 已知會導致核染色體斷裂的壓力運動,現在也被認為會損害線粒體基因。 提供能量的同時減輕壓力,似乎是扭轉累積的線粒體遺傳損傷所需的全部。 更少的線粒體問題將被認為是遺傳的,因為我們對線粒體生理機能被破壞的方式有了一個完整的看法。 棕櫚酸是調節主要呼吸酶的心磷脂的主要成分,隨著年齡的增長被多不飽和脂肪取代。 銅往往會從同一個酶系統中流失,隨著能量過程的變化,水的狀態也會發生變化。

Besides fasting, or chronic protein deficiency, the common causes of hypothyroidism are excessive stress or “aerobic” (i。e。 anaerobic) exercise, and diets containing beans, lentils, nuts, unsaturated fats (including carotene), and undercooked broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and mustard greens。 Many health conscious people become hypothyroid with a synergistic program of undercooked vegetables, legumes instead of animal proteins, oils instead of butter, carotene instead of vitamin A, and breathless exercise instead of stimulating life。












未煮熟的西蘭花、花椰菜、捲心菜、 和芥菜


Exercise, like aging, obesity, and diabetes, increases the levels of circulating free fatty acids and lactate。 But ordinary activity of an integral sort, activates the systems in an organized way, increasing carbon dioxide and circulation and efficiency。 Different types of exercise have been identified as destructive or reparative to the mitochondria; “concentric” muscular work is said to be restorative to the mitochondria。 As I understand it, this means contraction with a load, and relaxation without a load。 The heart’s contraction follows this principle, and this could explain the observation that heart mitochondria don’t change in the course of ordinary aging。

運動,衰老、肥胖和糖尿病,會增加循環遊離脂肪酸和乳酸的水平。 但是整體型別的普通活動以有組織的方式啟用系統,增加二氧化碳以及迴圈和效率。 不同型別的運動已被確定為對線粒體具有破壞性或修復性; 據說“向心”肌肉鍛鍊可以修復線粒體。 據我瞭解,這意味著有負荷收縮,無負荷放鬆。 心臟的收縮遵循這個原理,這可以解釋心臟線粒體在正常衰老過程中不會發生變化的觀察結果。

The idea of the “oxygen debt” produced by exercise or stress as being equivalent to the accumulation of lactic acid is far from accurate, but it’s true that activity increases the need for oxygen, and also increases the tendency to accumulate lactic acid, which can then be disposed of over an extended time, with the consumption of oxygen。 This relationship between work and lactic acidemia and oxygen deficit led to the term “lactate paradox” to describe the lower production of lactic acid during maximal work at high altitude when people are adapted to the altitude。 Carbon dioxide, retained through the Haldane effect, accounts for the lactate paradox, by inhibiting cellular excitation and sustaining oxidative metabolism to consume lactate efficiently。

運動或壓力產生的“氧債”等同於乳酸的積累的想法遠非準確,但確實,活動增加了對氧氣的需求,也增加了積累乳酸的趨勢,這可以 然後在很長一段時間內處理掉,消耗氧氣。 工作與乳酸血癥和缺氧之間的這種關係導致了術語“乳酸悖論”,以描述當人們適應高海拔時,在高海拔最大工作期間乳酸產量較低。 透過霍爾丹效應保留的二氧化碳透過抑制細胞興奮和維持氧化代謝以有效消耗乳酸來解釋乳酸悖論。

Elite athletes are generally considered to have “good genes,” and exercise is commonly said to promote good health, so a new orientation is needed to accommodate the fact that “elite” athletes, winter or summer athletes, including participants in the Olympics, have a high incidence of asthma — roughly three times higher than the general population。 It turns out that exercise induces the signs and symptoms of asthma, not only in “asthmatics,” but in normal people too。 Anaerobic exercise (getting out of breath) increases the release of, or activity of, a large variety of inflammatory mediators, beginning with lactic acid and interleukin-6 releases from the exercised muscle itself, and including factors released from various cells in the blood, and hormones including estrogen, prolactin, and sometimes TSH。 Exercise increases the incidence of asthma。

精英運動員通常被認為具有“良好的基因”,而運動通常被認為可以促進身體健康,因此需要一個新的方向來適應“精英”運動員、冬季或夏季運動員,包括奧運會參賽者在內的事實。 哮喘的高發病率——大約是普通人群的三倍。事實證明,


,不僅在“哮喘患者”中,而且在正常人中也是如此。無氧運動(氣喘吁吁)會增加多種炎症介質的釋放或活性,從運動肌肉本身釋放乳酸和白細胞介素6開始,包括從血液中的各種細胞釋放的因子和激素,包括雌激素、催乳素,有時還有 TSH。運動會增加哮喘的發病率。

The polyunsaturated oils interact closely with serotonin and tryptophan, and the short and medium chain saturated fatty acids have antihistamine and antiserotonin actions。 Serotonin liberates free fatty acids from the tissues, especially the polyunsaturated fats, and these in turn liberate serotonin from cells such as the platelets, and liberate tryptophan from serum albumin, increasing its uptake and the formation of serotonin in the brain。 Saturated fats don’t liberate serotonin, and some of them, such as capric acid found in coconut oil, relax blood vessels, while linoleic acid constricts blood vessels and promotes hypertension。 Stress, exercise, and darkness, increase the release of free fatty acids, and so promote the liberation of tryptophan and formation of serotonin。 Increased serum linoleic acid is specifically associated with serotonin-dependent disorders such as migraine。

多不飽和油與血清素和色氨酸相互作用密切,短鏈和中鏈飽和脂肪酸具有抗組胺和抗血清素作用。 5-羥色胺從組織中釋放遊離脂肪酸,尤其是多不飽和脂肪,這些又從血小板等細胞中釋放出5-羥色胺,並從血清白蛋白中釋放色氨酸,增加其在大腦中的攝取和5-羥色胺的形成。 飽和脂肪不會釋放血清素,其中一些,例如椰子油中的癸酸,可以放鬆血管,而亞油酸會收縮血管並促進高血壓。 壓力、運動和黑暗會增加遊離脂肪酸的釋放,從而促進色氨酸的釋放和血清素的形成。 血清亞油酸升高與偏頭痛等血清素依賴性疾病特別相關。

Mental stress, exercise, estrogen, and serotonin activate both the formation and dissolution of clots。


Many dietitians claim that exercise doesn’t increase the need for protein, but the Russians have found that a combination of exercise and increased protein intake can increase the muscle mass。 In a woman, this process can not only improve grace and body proportions, but it also increases the body’s ability to burn up fat。 Other nutrients are needed for using protein properly, and for maintaining optimum nerve functioning。 However, if the exercise produces too much stress and not enough muscle action, muscle will atrophy as a result of cortisone’s shifting amino acid metabolism into glucose production。 Lactic acid production (getting out of breath) is the main signal of the need to produce new glucose。 Therefore, “aerobic” exercise is the most stressful。 Cortisone not only causes atrophy of the skin, muscles, and immune system, but it even has been found the accelerate aging changes in the brain。

許多營養師聲稱運動不會增加對蛋白質的需求,但俄羅斯人發現運動和增加蛋白質攝入量相結合可以增加肌肉質量。 對於女性來說,這個過程不僅可以改善優雅和身體比例,還可以增加身體燃燒脂肪的能力。 正確使用蛋白質和維持最佳神經功能需要其他營養素。 然而,如果運動產生過多的壓力而沒有足夠的肌肉活動,由於可的松將氨基酸代謝轉化為葡萄糖的產生,肌肉會萎縮。 乳酸產生(氣喘吁吁)是需要產生新葡萄糖的主要訊號。 因此,“有氧”運動是最有壓力的。 可的松不僅會導致面板、肌肉和免疫系統的萎縮,甚至已經發現它會加速大腦的衰老變化。

Estrogen promotes vascular permeability by a variety of mechanisms。 Serotonin, histamine, lactic acid, and various cytokines and prostaglandins contribute to the leakage stimulated by estrogen, trauma, irradiation, poisoning, oxygen deprivation, and other factors that can induce shock。 Even exercise, mental stress, and aging can increase the tendency of capillaries to leak。

雌激素透過多種機制促進血管通透性。 血清素、組胺、乳酸和各種細胞因子和前列腺素有助於雌激素、外傷、輻射、中毒、缺氧和其他可誘發休克的因素刺激的滲漏。 即使是運動、精神壓力和衰老也會增加毛細血管滲漏的傾向。

Leakage of fluid out of the blood is one of the main features of shock, and at first it is mainly the loss of water and volume that creates a problem, by reducing the oxygenation of tissue and increasing the viscosity of the remaining blood。 Blood becomes more concentrated during strenuous exercise, during the night, and in the winter, increasing the viscosity, and increasing the risk of strokes and other thrombotic problems。 The absence of light causes the metabolic and hormonal changes typical of stress。

血液中的液體滲漏是休克的主要特徵之一,起初主要是水分和容量的流失,透過減少組織的氧合和增加剩餘血液的粘度而造成問題。 在劇烈運動、夜間和冬季,血液變得更加濃縮,從而增加粘度,並增加中風和其他血栓形成問題的風險。 缺光會導致典型的壓力代謝和荷爾蒙變化。

In the resting state, muscles consume mainly fats, so maintaining relatively large muscles is important for preventing the accumulation of fats.


There is reduced adaptive capacity and functional impairment before eating breakfast。 For example,

men who went for a run before breakfast were found to have broken chromosomes in their blood cells, but if they ate breakfast before running, their chromosomes weren’t damaged.

吃早餐前適應能力下降和功能障礙。 例如,


Exercise physiologists, without mentioning functional systems, have recently discovered some principles that extend the discoveries of Meerson and Anokhin。 They found that “concentric”contraction, that is, causing the muscle to contract against resistance, improves the muscle’s function, without injuring it。 (Walking up a mountain causes concentric contractions to dominate in the leg muscles。 Walking down the mountain injures the muscles, by stretching them, forcing them to elongate while bearing a load; they call that eccentric contraction。) Old people, who had extensively damaged mitochondrial DNA, were given a program of concentric exercise, and as their muscles adapted to the new activity, their mitochondrial DNA was found to have become normal。

運動生理學家,沒有提到功能系統,最近發現了一些擴充套件Meerson和Anokhin發現的原理。 他們發現“向心”收縮,即讓肌肉抵抗阻力收縮,可以改善肌肉的功能,而不會傷害它。 (


。下山會損傷肌肉,透過拉伸它們,迫使它們在承受負荷時伸長;他們稱之為離心收縮。) 線粒體DNA大面積損傷的老年人接受了向心運動計劃,隨著他們的肌肉適應新的活動,發現他們的線粒體DNA變得正常。爬山yyds

I’m not sure who introduced the term “aerobic” to describe the state of anaerobic metabolism that develops during stressful exercise, but it has had many harmful repercussions。 In experiments, T3 production is stopped very quickly by even “sub-aerobic” exercise, probably because of the combination of a decrease of blood glucose and an increase in free fatty acids。 In a healthy person, rest will tend to restore the normal level of T3, but there is evidence that even very good athletes remain in a hypothyroid state even at rest。 A chronic increase of lactic acid and cortisol indicates that something is wrong。 The “slender muscles” of endurance runners are signs of a catabolic state, that has been demonstrated even in the heart muscle。 A slow heart beat very strongly suggests hypothyroidism。 Hypothyroid people, who are likely to produce lactic acid even at rest, are especially susceptible to the harmful effects of “aerobic” exercise。 The good effect some people feel from exercise is probably the result of raising the body temperature; a warm bath will do the same for people with low body temperature。

我不確定是誰引入了“有氧”一詞來描述壓力運動期間產生的無氧代謝狀態,但它已經產生了許多有害的影響。 在實驗中,即使是“亞有氧”運動,T3的產生也會很快停止,這可能是因為血糖降低和遊離脂肪酸增加的結合。 在一個健康的人中,休息往往會恢復正常的T3水平,但有證據表明,即使是非常優秀的運動員,即使在休息時也會保持甲狀腺功能減退狀態。 乳酸和皮質醇的慢性增加表明有問題。 耐力跑者的“細長肌肉”是分解代謝狀態的標誌,甚至在心肌中也證明了這一點。 緩慢的心跳強烈提示甲狀腺功能減退。 甲狀腺功能減退的人即使在休息時也可能產生乳酸,特別容易受到“有氧”運動的有害影響。 有些人覺得運動效果好,可能是體溫升高的結果; 溫水浴對體溫低的人也有同樣作用。

This is where the issue of cell water comes in。 Carbon dioxide, produced by oxidative cell metabolism, is associated with the high energy state of the cell。 When something interferes with oxidative metabolism, lactic acid is produced instead of carbon dioxide。 If the cell stays very long in this low oxygen state, it swells, taking up water。 (The fatigued muscle, for example, can take up so much water in a short time that it weighs 20% more than before it began working so intensely that its energy needs far exceeded the availability of oxygen。 This swelling is what causes the soreness and tightness of intense exercise。 The swelling persists long after the liver has cleared the lactic acid from the blood。) This swelling from taking up water is involved in one type of “edema,” and in inflammation, or activation of the cells by hormones, as well as by simple oxygen deprivation。 When the eyes have been closed for several hours, the cornea swells, because it depends on direct contact with the air for its oxygen, and the eyelid, whose circulation provides oxygen for its own cells, doesn’t provide enough for the cornea。

這就是細胞水問題的來源。由氧化細胞代謝產生的二氧化碳與細胞的高能量狀態有關。 當某些東西干擾氧化代謝時,會產生乳酸而不是二氧化碳。 如果細胞在這種低氧狀態下停留很長時間,它就會膨脹,吸收水分。 (例如,疲勞的肌肉可以在短時間內吸收如此多的水分,以至於它的重量比開始劇烈運動之前增加了20%,以至於它的能量需求遠遠超過了氧氣的供應量。這種腫脹是導致痠痛和肌肉痠痛的原因。 劇烈運動的緊繃感。在肝臟清除血液中的乳酸後,腫脹會持續很長時間。)這種因吸水而引起的腫脹與一種“水腫”有關,並且與炎症或激素啟用細胞有關, 以及透過簡單的缺氧。 當眼睛閉上幾個小時後,角膜會膨脹,因為它依賴與空氣的直接接觸來獲取氧氣,而眼瞼的迴圈為其自身的細胞提供氧氣,卻無法為角膜提供足夠的氧氣。

Sometimes progesterone seems to be chronically deficienct (leading to slight-though possibly prolonged-menstruation, or amenorrhea), in women who exercise hard。 Since progesterone can be converted into cortisone to handle stress, this would explain why well trained athletes (who need lots of cortisone) so often miss periods。 It seems to be a simple over-consumption of progesterone, which is probably a reasonable biological adaptation, preventing pregnancy during times of stress。

有時,在劇烈運動的女性中,黃體酮似乎長期缺乏(導致輕微但可能延長的月經或閉經)。 由於黃體酮可以轉化為可的松來應對壓力,這就解釋了為什麼訓練有素的運動員(需要大量可的松)經常錯過月經。 這似乎是一種簡單的黃體酮過度消耗,這可能是一種合理的生物適應,可以防止在壓力時期懷孕。

Athletic training is known to slow the pulse。 Cortisone, produced by stress, inhibits the thyroid gland。 (When the thyroid is low, less oxygen is needed, so this is a useful adaptation for increasing endurance。) These hormonal changes are now known to produce sterility in both men and women。

眾所周知,運動訓練可以減緩脈搏。 壓力產生的可的松會抑制甲狀腺。 (當甲狀腺功能低下時,需要的氧氣較少,因此這是增加耐力的有用適應。)現在已知這些荷爾蒙變化會導致男性和女性不育

Stress and starvation lead to a relative reliance on the fats stored in the tissues, and the mobilization of these as circulating free fatty acids contributes to a slowing of metabolism and a shift away from the use of glucose for energy。 This is adaptive in the short term, since relatively little glucose is stored in the tissues (as glycogen), and the proteins making up the body would be rapidly consumed for energy, if it were not for the reduced energy demands resulting from the effects of the free fatty acids。

壓力和飢餓導致對儲存在組織中的脂肪的相對依賴,而將這些脂肪作為循環遊離脂肪酸進行動員會導致新陳代謝減慢,並且不再使用葡萄糖作為能量。 這在短期內是適應性的,因為在組織中儲存的葡萄糖(作為糖原)相對較少,如果不是因為遊離脂肪酸的影響導致能量需求減少,構成身體的蛋白質將被迅速消耗以獲取能量。

Exercise increases blood clotting, and so can increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks。 Some doctors have been reporting increase incidence of flat feet, varicose veins, and prolapsed uterus among runners。 Walking is a better form of exercise。

運動會增加血液凝固,因此會增加中風和心臟病發作的風險。 一些醫生報告說,跑步者扁平足、靜脈曲張和子宮脫垂的發生率增加。 步行是一種更好的鍛鍊方式。

The brain’s role in protecting against injury by stress, when it sees a course of action, has a parallel in the differences between concentric (positive, muscle shortening) and eccentric (negative, lengthening under tension) exercise, and also with the differences between innervated and denervated muscles。 In eccentric exercise and denervation, less oxygen is used and less carbon dioxide is produced, while lactic acid increases, displacing carbon dioxide, and more fat is oxidized。 Prolonged stress similarly decreases carbon dioxide and increases lactate, while increasing the use of fat。

當大腦看到一個動作過程時,它在防止壓力傷害方面的作用與向心運動(積極,肌肉縮短)和離心運動(消極,在緊張狀態下延長)之間的差異相似,也與受神經支配之間的差異相似。 和去神經支配的肌肉。 在離心運動和去神經支配中,使用較少的氧氣,產生較少的二氧化碳,而乳酸增加,取代二氧化碳,更多的脂肪被氧化。 長時間的壓力同樣會減少二氧化碳並增加乳酸,同時增加脂肪的使用。

A few fetish ideas dominate physiology, just as the gene and virus fetishes have governed cancer research。 For more than a century, most physiologists have “explained” muscle soreness as being “caused by lactic acid,” while generally ignoring the great swelling of muscles that results from intense exercise。 When cells don’t have enough energy — whether from inadequate fuel, overwork, lack of oxygen, or poisoning — they take up water。 Too much water tends to excite the cells, and can even stimulate cell division。 The hyperactive state of a muscle cell, cramping, causes energy to be spent。 What is too often overlooked is that the cell needs more energy to get back into its resting state, and that an abundance of glucose or other fuel, oxygen, and thyroid are needed for the cell to produce enough energy to be quietly relaxed。

一些戀物癖的想法支配著生理學,就像基因和病毒戀物癖支配著癌症研究一樣。 一個多世紀以來,大多數生理學家將肌肉痠痛“解釋為”由“乳酸引起”,而通常忽略了劇烈運動導致的肌肉腫脹。 當細胞沒有足夠的能量時——無論是由於燃料不足、過度工作、缺氧還是中毒——它們會吸收水分。 過多的水會刺激細胞,甚至會刺激細胞分裂。 肌肉細胞的過度活躍狀態,痙攣,會導致能量消耗。 經常被忽視的是,細胞需要更多的能量才能恢復到靜止狀態,而細胞需要大量的葡萄糖或其他燃料、氧氣和甲狀腺來產生足夠的能量來安靜地放鬆。

The reluctance to see something as simple as the swelling of a muscle when its energy is depleted, has led into other unnecessary confusions。 For example, the water that the muscle takes up comes from the blood。 The blood gets thicker, and is harder to pump。 The loss of water from the blood makes it seem that hormones have increased, when actually they have decreased。 If the tissues could be re-energized, they would release some of their water back to the blood。

不願看到像肌肉在能量耗盡時腫脹這樣簡單的事情,導致了其他不必要的混亂。 例如,肌肉吸收的水分來自血液。 血液變稠,更難泵出。 血液中水分的流失使荷爾蒙似乎增加了,而實際上它們卻減少了。 如果組織能夠重新獲得能量,它們就會將部分水分釋放回血液中。

Exercise lowers the level of thyroid hormones, partly by accelerating their breakdown. The stress of winter appears to do the same thing, and most people (and animals) need much more thyroid in the winter than they do in the summer. Exercise lowers human (and some animals’) fertility, and winter lowers animals’ fertility. I think human fertility, as indicated by sperm count, for example, is likely to be lower in winter.

運動會降低甲狀腺激素的水平,部分原因是加速了它們的分解。 冬天的壓力似乎也有同樣的作用,大多數人(和動物)在冬天比夏天需要更多的甲狀腺。 運動會降低人類(和一些動物)的生育能力,而冬天會降低動物的生育能力。 我認為人類的生育能力,例如精子數量,在冬天可能會降低。

During stress, the heart and other working organs became resistant to the glucocorticoid hormones。 When a person is given radioactive testosterone, it can be seen to reach the highest concentration in the heart。 It is testosterone’s antiglucocorticoid effect which causes it to enlarge skeletal muscles, when exercise is moderate。 Its parallel effects on skeletal muscle and heart muscle can be seen in highly adapted (stressed) long-distance runners, since the walls of their hearts become thinner as their skeletal muscle become slimmer。

在壓力期間,心臟和其他工作器官對糖皮質激素產生抵抗力。 當一個人被給予放射性睪酮時,可以看到它在心臟中達到最高濃度。 正是睪酮的抗糖皮質激素作用使其在適度運動時增大骨骼肌。 它對骨骼肌和心肌的平行影響可以在適應性強(壓力大)的長跑運動員身上看到,因為隨著骨骼肌變細,他們的心壁也變薄。

During moderate exercise, adrenalin causes increased blood flow to both the heart and the skeletal muscles, while decreasing the flow of blood to other organs。 The increased circulation carries extra oxygen and nutrients to the working organs, while the deprivation of oxygen and glucose pushes the other organs to a catabolic balance。 This simple circulatory pattern achieves to some extent the same kind of redistribution of resources, acutely, that is achieved in more prolonged stress by the actions of the glucocorticoids and their antagonists。

在適度運動期間,腎上腺素會增加流向心臟和骨骼肌的血流量,同時減少流向其他器官的血流量。 增加的迴圈將額外的氧氣和營養輸送到工作器官,而氧氣和葡萄糖的缺乏將其他器官推向分解代謝平衡。 這種簡單的迴圈模式在某種程度上實現了相同型別的資源重新分配,在更長時間的壓力下透過糖皮質激素及其拮抗劑的作用實現。

Nerves and muscle cells should be considered together, because they respond to many things in similar ways。 The membrane people don’t like to think that nerves have an contractile properties, but in fact they do twitch slightly when stimulated, showing that in the entire cytoplasm that responds to information, not the hypothetical plasma membrane。 When they are overstimulated, they swell, as muscles do when they are fatigued。 When a muscle is stretched while it’s trying to contract (as in running downhill; this is called “eccentric contraction”) it becomes inflamed, and the structural damage is cumulative。 By exercising muscle with “concentric contractions,” allowing them to shorten against resistance, the cellular damage can be repaired。

神經和肌肉細胞應該一起考慮,因為它們以相似的方式對許多事物做出反應。 人們不喜歡認為神經具有收縮特性,但實際上它們在受到刺激時確實會輕微抽搐,這表明對資訊有反應的整個細胞質中,而不是假設的質膜。 當它們受到過度刺激時,它們會膨脹,就像肌肉在疲勞時所做的那樣。 當肌肉在試圖收縮時被拉伸(如在下坡時;這被稱為“離心收縮”)它會發炎,並且結構性損傷會累積。 透過“向心收縮”鍛鍊肌肉,讓它們抵抗阻力而縮短,可以修復細胞損傷。

Lactic acid produced by intense exercise causes calcium loss from bone (Ashizawa, et al。, 1997), and sodium bicarbonate increases calcium retention by bone。


If a tissue is stimulated to metabolize at a high rate, especially without an adequate supply of glucose, it will consume protein as fuel, with the production of ammonia…Any exaggerated stimulation, stress, or energy deficit tends to increase the level of ammonia in tissue…The use of amino acids for fuel, which happens during stress, release ammonia。 Eating isolated amino acids, exercising intensely, or have an excess of cortisol, causes tissue proteins to be broken down, with the release of ammonia。

如果一個組織被刺激以高速代謝,特別是在沒有足夠的葡萄糖供應的情況下,它將消耗蛋白質作為燃料,併產生氨……任何過度的刺激、壓力或能量缺乏都會增加體內氨的水平。 組織……在壓力期間使用氨基酸作為燃料會釋放氨。 吃孤立的氨基酸、劇烈運動或皮質醇過多,都會導致組織蛋白質分解,並釋放出氨。

There are now many people who argues that a low metabolism rate, a low body temperature and slow heart beat indicate that you live a long time: “your heart can only beat so many times。” Most of these people also advocate “conditioning exercise,” and they point out that trained runners tend to have a slow heart rate。 (Incidentally, running elevates adrenaline which caused increased clumping of platelets and accelerated blood clotting。 Hypothyroidism–whether preexisting or induced by running–slows the heart rate, raises the production of adrenalin, and is strongly associated with heart disease, as well as with high cholesterol。

現在有很多人認為新陳代謝率低、體溫低、心跳慢表明你活得長:“你的心臟只能跳動這麼多次。” 這些人中的大多數人還提倡“有氧運動”,他們指出訓練有素的跑步者的心率往往較慢。 (順便說一句,跑步會增加腎上腺素,導致血小板聚集增加和血液凝固加速。甲狀腺功能減退症——無論是預先存在的還是由跑步引起的——會減慢心率,增加腎上腺素的產生,並且與心臟病密切相關,以及高膽固醇。

Free polyunsaturated fatty acids, for examples, which are increased under the influence of estrogen (or exercise, diabetes, night time, aging, histamine, parasympathetic dominance, etc。) produce both inflammation and excitation。 Associated with the process of inflammation and excitation is the tendency of estrogen and other inflammatory mediators, such as nitric oxide and serotonin to impair mitochondrial respiration。

例如,在雌激素(或運動、糖尿病、夜間、衰老、組胺、副交感神經支配等)的影響下增加的遊離多不飽和脂肪酸會產生炎症和興奮。 與炎症和興奮過程相關的是雌激素和其他炎症介質(如一氧化氮和血清素)損害線粒體呼吸的趨勢。

The overlapping effects of estrogen, polyunsaturated fats, exercise, serotonin, histamine, lactic acid, nighttime, and hyperventilation, tend to be cumulative and self-stimulating。 Degenerative changes in tissues are accelerated by all of these stress mediators。

雌激素、多不飽和脂肪、運動、血清素、組胺、乳酸、夜間和換氣過度的重疊效應往往是累積和自我刺激的。 所有這些壓力介質都會加速組織的退行性變化。

Many studies have found that sucrose is less fattening than starch or glucose, that is, that more calories can be consumed without gaining weight。 During exercise, the addition of fructose to glucose increases the oxidation of carbohydrate by about 50% (Jentjens and Jeukendrup, 2005)。



,也就是說,可以在不增加體重的情況下消耗更多的卡路里。 在運動過程中,在葡萄糖中加入果糖會使碳水化合物的氧化增加約 50%。

Failure to renew cells and tissues leads to loss of function and substance。 Bones and muscles get weaker and smaller with aging。 Diminished bone substance, osteopenia, is paralleled, at roughly the same rate, by the progressive loss of muscle mass, sarcopenia (or myopenia)。 The structure of aging tissue changes, with collagen tending to fill the spaces left by the disappearing cells。 It’s also common for fat cells to increase, as muscle cells disappear。

未能更新細胞和組織會導致功能和物質的喪失。 隨著年齡的增長,骨骼和肌肉變得越來越弱。骨量減少、骨質減少與肌肉量逐漸減少、肌肉減少症(或肌減少症)以大致相同的速度平行。老化組織的結構發生變化,膠原蛋白傾向於填充消失細胞留下的空間。 隨著肌肉細胞的消失,脂肪細胞增加也很常見。

Exercise physiologists, knowing that lactic acid is produced during exercise, and cancer biologists (especially since Warburg’s work showing that all cancers have a respiratory defect) who know that cancer tends to produce lactic acid, almost always talk about the “acidity” of the fatigued muscle or cancer cell。 While it is true that the entry of lactic acid into the blood tends to produce metabolic acidosis, the cell which is producing the lactic acid is actually more alkaline than normal cells。 The simplest way to think of it is that the “acid leaving the cell makes it less acidic。

運動生理學家知道乳酸是在運動過程中產生的,而癌症生物學家(特別是自從 Warburg 的研究表明所有癌症都有呼吸缺陷)知道癌症傾向於產生乳酸,幾乎總是談論疲勞者的“酸度”。 肌肉或癌細胞。雖然乳酸進入血液會導致代謝性酸中毒,但產生乳酸的細胞實際上比正常細胞更鹼性。 最簡單的思考方式是“離開細胞的酸使其酸性降低。

Fatigued cells take up water, and become heavier。 They also become more permeable, and leak。 When more oxygen is made available, they are less resistant to fatigue, and when the organism is made slightly hypoxic, as at high altitude, muscles have more endurance, and are stronger, and nerves conduct more quickly。

疲勞的細胞吸收水分,變得更重。 它們也變得更具滲透性和洩漏性。 當有更多的氧氣可用時,它們對疲勞的抵抗力就會降低,而當機體處於輕度缺氧狀態時,如在高海拔地區,肌肉的耐力更強、更強壯,神經傳導得更快。

When a muscle cell is stimulated enough to cause a contraction, the interruption of its resting phase causes a shift in the charge concentration on the proteins, potassium ions are exchanged for sodium ions, calcium ions enter, and phosphate ions separate from ATP, and are replaced by the transfer of phosphate to ADP from creatine phosphate。

當肌肉細胞受到足以引起收縮的刺激時,其靜止階段的中斷會導致蛋白質電荷濃度發生變化,鉀離子交換為鈉離子,鈣離子進入,磷酸根離子與ATP分離,並被磷酸肌酸轉移到 ADP 所取代。

Looking at fatigability, muscle contraction, and nerve conduction in a variety of situations, we can test some of the traditional explanations, and see how well the newer “bioelectric” explanation fits the facts。 Osmotic pressure, hydrostatic pressure, atmospheric pressure, and the degree of metabolic stimulation by thyroid hormone affect fatigue in ways that aren’t consistent with the membrane-electrical doctrine。 The production of lactic acid during lactic acid during intense muscle activity led some people to suggest that fatigue occurred when the muscle wasn’t getting enough oxygen, but experiments show that fatigue sets in while adequate oxygen is being delivered to the muscle。 Underwater divers sometimes get an excess of oxygen, and that often causes muscle fatigue and soreness。 At high altitudes, where there is relatively little oxygen, strength and endurance can increase。 An excess of oxygen can slow nerve conduction, while hypoxia can accelerate it。 (Increasing the delivery of oxygen at higher pressure doesn’t increase the cellular use of oxygen or decrease lactic acid production in the exercising muscle [Kohzuki, et al。, 2000], but it will increase lipid peroxidation。) High hydrostatic pressure causes muscles to contract, though for many years the membrane-doctrinaires couldn’t accept that。 Underwater divers experience brain excitation under very high pressure。 Since vicinal water has a larger volume than ordinary water (analogous to the expansion when ice is formed, though the volume increase in cell water is slightly less, about 4%, than in ice, which is 11% more voluminous than liquid water), compression under high pressure converts vicinal cell water to the state that occurs in the excited cell, the way ice melts under pressure。 The excited state exists as long as water remains in that state。

觀察各種情況下的疲勞、肌肉收縮和神經傳導,我們可以測試一些傳統的解釋,看看新的“生物電”解釋與事實的吻合程度。 滲透壓、靜水壓、大氣壓和甲狀腺激素的代謝刺激程度以與膜電學說不一致的方式影響疲勞。在劇烈的肌肉活動期間產生乳酸導致一些人認為肌肉沒有獲得足夠的氧氣時會出現疲勞,但實驗表明,當有足夠的氧氣輸送到肌肉時,疲勞就會開始。 水下潛水員有時會吸入過量氧氣,這通常會導致肌肉疲勞和痠痛。 在氧氣相對較少的高海拔地區,力量和耐力會增加。過量的氧氣會減慢神經傳導,而缺氧會加速它。 (在更高的壓力下增加氧氣的輸送不會增加細胞對氧氣的使用或減少運動肌肉中乳酸的產生,但會增加脂質過氧化。)高靜水壓力會導致肌肉收縮,儘管多年來膜學說無法接受這一點。 水下潛水員在非常高的壓力下體驗大腦興奮。由於鄰近水的體積比普通水大(類似於冰形成時的膨脹,但細胞水的體積增加略少,約為4%,比冰中的體積增加 4%,而冰的體積比液態水大 11%), 高壓下的壓縮將鄰近細胞水轉化為激發細胞中發生的狀態,即冰在壓力下融化的方式。 只要水保持在激發態,激發態就存在。

One of the early demonstrations that cell water undergoes a phase change during muscle contraction involved simply measuring the volume of an isolated muscle。 With stimulation and contraction, the volume of the muscle decreases slightly。 (The muscle was immersed in water in a sealed chamber, and the volume decrease in the whole chamber was measured。) This corresponds to the conversion of vicinal water to bulk-like (dielectric) water。 (The threatening implications of those experiments with spontaneous volume change were very annoying to many biologists of my professors’ generation。) In the stimulated state, the cell’s uptake of water from its environment coincides closely with its electrical and thermal activity, and it explusion of water coincides with its recovery。 In a small nerve fiber, or near the surface of a larger fiber, these changers are very fast, and in a large muscle the uptake of water is faster than the flow of water from capillaries can match, but it will become massive if stimulation is continued for several minutes。 For example, two minutes of stimulation stimulation can cause a muscle’s overall weight to increase by 6%, but its extracellular compartment loses 4%, so the muscle cells gain much more than 6% of their weight in that short time (Ward, et al。, 1996)。 The water that is taken up by cells is taken from the blood, which becomes relatively dehydrated and thicker in the process。

細胞水在肌肉收縮期間經歷相變的早期證明之一涉及簡單地測量孤立肌肉的體積。 隨著刺激和收縮,肌肉的體積略有減少。 (將肌肉浸入密閉室中的水中,測量整個室的體積減少。)這對應於鄰近水向大塊(介電)水的轉化。 (這些自發體積變化實驗的威脅性影響讓我教授那一代的許多生物學家非常惱火。)在受激狀態下,細胞從環境中吸收水分與其電活動和熱活動密切相關,而水分排出與其恢復一致。 在小神經纖維中,或靠近大纖維表面,這些變化非常快,在大肌肉中,吸水速度比毛細血管中的水流量快,但如果受到刺激,它會變得很大。 持續了幾分鐘。 例如,兩分鐘的刺激刺激可使肌肉的整體重量增加 6%,但其細胞外隔室會減少4%,因此肌肉細胞在短時間內增加的重量遠遠超過其重量的 6%。 細胞吸收的水是從血液中提取的,血液在此過程中變得相對脫水和變稠。

With aging, hypothyroidism, stress, and fatigue, the amount of estrogen in the body typically rises。 Estrogen is catabolic for muscle, and causes systemic edema, and nerve excitation。

隨著衰老、甲狀腺功能減退、壓力和疲勞,體內雌激素的含量通常會上升。 雌激素為肌肉分解代謝,並導致全身水腫和神經興奮。

A dangerously high level of ammonia in the blood (hyerammonemia) can be produced by exhaustive exercise, but also by hyperbaric oxygen (or a high concentration of oxygen), by high estrogen, and by hypothyroidism。


Szent-Gyorgyi observed that, although ATP was involved in the contractions of muscles, its post-mortem disappearance caused the contraction and hardening of muscle known as rigor mortis。 When he put hardened dead muscles into a solution of ATP, they relaxed and softened。 The relaxed state is a state with adequate energy reserves。

Szent-Gyorgyi觀察到,雖然ATP參與了肌肉的收縮,但其死後消失會導致肌肉收縮和硬化,稱為僵硬。 當他將硬化的死肌肉放入ATP溶液中時,它們會放鬆並軟化。 鬆弛狀態是具有足夠能量儲備的狀態。

But when tissues contain large amounts of polyunsaturated fats, every episode of fatigue and prolonged excitation leaves a residue of oxidative damage, and the adaptive mechanisms become progressively less effective。


Stress increases metabolic rate in a destructive, age accelerating way, with increased inflammation, and decreased resting oxidative metabolic rate。 It’s the basic metabolic rate, with fast nerve conduction, quick cellular adaptation, etc。, that’s biologically valuable。

壓力以破壞性的、加速衰老的方式增加代謝率,增加炎症,降低靜息氧化代謝率。 它是基礎代謝率,具有快速的神經傳導、快速的細胞適應等,具有生物學價值。

Excess estrogen, intense exercise, starvation, anything that increases lipid peroxidation and free radical production, such as drinking alcohol when the tissues contain polyunsaturated fats, can cause organs such as heart and liver to leak their components。


The amount of injury needed to increase the endotoxin in the blood can be fairly minor。 Two thirds of people having a colonoscopy had a significant increase in endotoxin in their blood, and intense exercise or anxiety will increase it。 Endotoxin activates the enzyme that synthesizes estrogen while it decreases the formation of androgen (Christeff, et aI。, 1992), and this undoubtedly is partly responsible for the large increases in estrogen in both men and women caused by trauma, sickness or excessive fatigue。

增加血液中內毒素所需的傷害量可能相當小。 三分之二接受結腸鏡檢查的人血液中的內毒素顯著增加,劇烈運動或焦慮會增加內毒素。 內毒素啟用合成雌激素的酶,同時減少雄激素的形成,這無疑是外傷、疾病或過度疲勞導致男性和女性雌激素大量增加的部分原因。

Chronic constipation, and anxiety which decreases blood circulation in the intestine, can increase the liver’s exposure to endotoxin。 Endotoxin (like intense physical activity) causes the estrogen concentration of the blood to rise。

慢性便秘和減少腸道血液迴圈的焦慮會增加肝臟對內毒素的暴露。 內毒素(如劇烈的體力活動)會導致血液中的雌激素濃度升高。

Animals that lack the unsaturated fatty acids have a higher metabolic rate and ability to use glucose, converting it to CO2 more readily, have a greater resistance to toxins (Harris, et al。, 1990; even cobra venom: Morganroth, et al。, 1989), including endotoxin (Li, et al。, 1990)– preventing excessive vascular leakage–and to immunological damage (Takahashi, et al。, 1992), and to trauma, and their neuromuscular response is accelerated while fast twitch muscles are less easily fatigued (Ayre and Hulber, 1996)。

缺乏不飽和脂肪酸的動物具有更高的代謝率和使用葡萄糖的能力,更容易將其轉化為二氧化碳,對毒素具有更強的抵抗力,包括內毒素 – 防止過度血管滲漏 – 以及免疫損傷和創傷,它們的神經肌肉反應加快,而快肌收縮較少容易疲勞。

There are different kinds of weight gain。 When a person’s metabolic rate increases, and stress hormones decrease, for example when adding two quarts of milk to the daily diet, their muscle mass is likely to increase, even while their fat is decreasing。 Since muscle burns fat faster than fat does, caloric requirements will gradually increase。

有不同型別的體重增加。 當一個人的新陳代謝率增加,壓力荷爾蒙減少時,例如在日常飲食中新增兩夸脫牛奶時,他們的肌肉質量可能會增加,即使他們的脂肪在減少。 由於肌肉燃燒脂肪的速度比脂肪快,因此熱量需求會逐漸增加。

Some muscle-building resistance exercise might help to increase the anabolic ratio, reducing the belly fat.


Prolonged endurance exercise will usually slow the pulse because of adaptive inhibition of the thyroid。 I have seen some people with the dark circles, fatigue, and other symptoms that stopped as soon as they stopped their daily running。

由於甲狀腺的適應性抑制,長時間的耐力運動通常會減慢脈搏。 我見過一些有黑眼圈、疲勞和其他症狀的人,一旦他們停止日常跑步,就會停止。

(Protein) For intense exercise, it’s about a gram per pound of body weight。

(蛋白質)對於劇烈運動,大約是每磅體重 1 克。

Concentric resistance training has an anabolic effect on the whole body。 Sprinting is probably o。k。 Endurance exercise is the worst。 I don’t think martial arts are necessarily too stressful。

向心阻力訓練對全身有合成代謝作用。 短跑可能沒問題。 耐力運動是最糟糕的。 我認為武術不一定壓力太大。

When a muscle or nerve is fatigued, it swells, retaining water。 When the swelling is extreme, its ability to contract is limited。 Excess water content resembles a partly excited state, in which increase amounts of sodium and calcium are free in the cytoplasm。 Energy is needed to eliminate the sodium and calcium, or to bind calcium allowing the cell to extrude excess water and return to the resting state。 Thyroid hormone allows cells’ mitochondria to efficiently produce energy, and it also regulates the synthesis of proteins (phospholamban and calcisequestrin) that control the binding of calcium。 When the cell is energized, by the mitochondria working with thyroid, oxygen, and sugar, these proteins change their form, binding calcium and removing it from the contractile system, allowing the cell to relax, to be fully prepared for the next contraction。 If the calcium isn’t fully and quickly bound, the cell retains extra water and sodium, and isn’t able to fully relax。

當肌肉或神經疲勞時,它會膨脹並保留水分。 當腫脹嚴重時,它的收縮能力是有限的。 過量的水含量類似於部分激發態,其中細胞質中游離的鈉和鈣的量增加。 需要能量來消除鈉和鈣,或結合鈣,使細胞排出多餘的水並返回到靜止狀態。 甲狀腺激素允許細胞的線粒體有效地產生能量,它還調節控制鈣結合的蛋白質(磷素和鈣化螯合蛋白)的合成。 當細胞被啟用時,線粒體與甲狀腺、氧氣和糖一起工作,這些蛋白質改變它們的形式,結合鈣並將其從收縮系統中去除,使細胞放鬆,為下一次收縮做好充分準備。 如果鈣沒有完全和快速地結合,細胞會保留額外的水和鈉,並且無法完全放鬆。

I hadn’t heard that idea about aspirin and muscle, but I don’t know of enough evidence in that direction to make me think that it’s anything but a sort of marketing slogan for someone’s product (Tylenol’s campaign against aspirin created many theories of why aspirin should be avoided)。 Since the inflammatory processes (including platelet activation) inhibited by aspirin are generally catabolic, and since aspirin supports insulin action and energy production, I think aspirin in most situations is likely to be anti-catabolic。

我沒有聽說過關於阿司匹林和肌肉的想法,但我不知道在這個方向上有足夠的證據讓我認為這不是某人產品的一種營銷口號(泰諾反對阿司匹林的運動創造了許多關於為什麼的理論 應避免使用阿司匹林)。 由於阿司匹林抑制的炎症過程(包括血小板活化)通常是分解代謝的,而且由於阿司匹林支援胰島素作用和能量產生,我認為阿司匹林在大多數情況下可能是抗分解代謝的。