Riders On The Storm這首歌講的是什麼意思? 匿名使用者 1級 2006-12-13 回答

THE DOORS的《Riders On The Storm》,專集為The Best of The Doors。風雨中的騎士,這首歌一直被認為是Morrison最好的寫照,Morrison輕唱到“Girls, you gotta love those men”,之後長達三分鐘全是吉它SOLO,閉上眼睛,眼前彷彿出現了群在風雨中馳騁的騎士,Morrison一生不被大多數人理解,只能獨自在迷幻的世界中賓士,在風雨交加,雷聲隆隆中。。。。,在這首歌中Morrison暗示著他將暫別這瘋狂的混沌的世界,但也表示總有一天e5a48de588b63231313335323631343130323136353331333231633163他會回來,“Take a long Holiday,Let your children play”,他低唱著。

riders on the storm

riders on the strom

into this house we‘re born

into this world we’re thrown

like a dog without a bone

an actor out on loan

riders on the storm

there‘s a killer on the road

his brain is squirming like a toad

take a long holiday

let your children play

if you give this man a ride

sweet family will die

killer on the road

girl you gotta love your man

girl you gotta love your man

take him by the hand

make him understand

the world on you depends

our life will never end

you gotta love your man

riders on the storm

riders on the storm

riders on the storm

riders on the storm

Riders On The Storm這首歌講的是什麼意思? Ceci 1級 2006-12-14 回答

the doors的《riders on the storm》,專集為the best of the doors。風雨中的騎士,這首歌一直被認為是morrison最好的寫照,morrison輕唱到“girls, you gotta love those men”,之後長達三分鐘全是吉它solo,閉上眼睛,眼前彷彿出現了群在風雨中馳騁的騎士,morrison一生不被大多數人理解,只能獨自在迷幻的世界中賓士,在風雨交加,雷聲隆隆中。。。。,在這首歌中morrison暗示著他將暫別這瘋狂的混沌的世界,但也表示總有一天他會回來,“take a long holiday,let your children play”,他低唱著。

riders on the storm


riders on the strom

into this house we’re born

into this world we‘re thrown

like a dog without a bone

an actor out on loan

riders on the storm


there’s a killer on the road

his brain is squirming like a toad

take a long holiday

let your children play

if you give this man a ride

sweet family will die

killer on the road


girl you gotta love your man

girl you gotta love your man

take him by the hand

make him understand

the world on you depends

our life will never end

you gotta love your man


riders on the storm

riders on the storm

riders on the storm

riders on the storm