他在這條路上跑來跑去,哭著喊救命用英語怎麼說:He was running_______________________the path,crying自由的蒲公英3 2013-09-07

He was running up and down the path in a state of panic,crying for help。

他在這條路上跑來跑去,哭著喊救命用英語怎麼說:He was running_______________________the path,crying終級真理 2013-09-07


He was running here and there in the path,crying for help

他在這條路上跑來跑去,哭著喊救命用英語怎麼說:He was running_______________________the path,crying永不止步Vince 2013-09-07

填 【around】

run around 東奔西跑,跑來跑去

他在這條路上跑來跑去,哭著喊救命用英語怎麼說:He was running_______________________the path,crying影殺蒼羽 2013-09-07

He was running around the path, crying for help

他在這條路上跑來跑去,哭著喊救命用英語怎麼說:He was running_______________________the path,cryingDurmbm 2013-09-07

He was running up and down the path in a state of panic,crying for help。


他在這條路上跑來跑去,哭著喊救命用英語怎麼說:He was running_______________________the path,cryingAD鈣奶lover 2013-09-07

He was running back and forth on the path,crying for help。