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what should really matter most in life?

I feel the only thing that truly matters to me is being happy,

and happiness is a choice one makes。

It‘s simply an attitude。

I can either choose to be happy

and try to smile through all of my difficult times,

or I can choose to be miserable and get overwhelmed by it all。

Now it’s not that by being miserable I‘m going to get any better。

So I may as well choose to try and be happy。

Now, all of this doesn’t mean that life is always one big song and dance。

It really isn‘t。

Of course, there are days when I feel extremely down,

where I feel like simply curling up into a ball and just giving up。

But the realization that things could always be much, much worse

always pushes me to get back up on my feet and put a smile on my face。

I could have easily been born

into a family that wasn’t as loving and caring as my own,

so I thank God for the family that I have。

And I know for a fact that there are children out there

who are much less fortunate than I am。

And although I have this disease,

I‘m still glad that I can walk around

and do what I love to do。

So happiness is an attitude。

Happiness is doing what you truly love,

and I feel that happiness can only come from acceptance。

I accept who I am, and I accept where I’m at,

and I accept the challenges that I‘m battling with today。

And I’m even more determined

to make the most of this wonderful gift of life

that God has given me。

Hans Anderson once said,

“Enjoy life。

There‘s plenty of time to be dead。”

So I hope that all of you enjoy your lives

with as much happiness as you can possibly find。
