英語fly什麼意思寂靜草原樹 2014-08-31


1。 N-COUNT 可數名詞 蒼蠅 A fly is a small insect with two wings。 There are many kinds of flies, and the most common are black in colour。

2。 VERB 動詞飛;飛行;飛翔 When something such as a bird, insect, or aircraft flies, it moves through the air。 【語法資訊】:V prep/adv

【語法資訊】:Also VThe planes flew through the clouds。。。 飛機穿越雲層。

The bird flew away。 鳥兒飛走了。

3。 VERB 動詞(乘飛機)飛行,航行 If you fly somewhere, you travel there in an aircraft。 【語法資訊】:V prep/advHe flew to Los Angeles。。。 他飛往洛杉磯。

He flew back to London。。。 他飛回了倫敦。

Mr Baker flew in from Moscow。 貝克先生是從莫斯科飛過來的。

4。 VERB 動詞駕駛(飛機) When someone flies an aircraft, they control its movement in the air。

【語法資訊】:VParker had successfully flown both aircraft。。。 兩架飛機帕克均成功駕駛過。

He flew a small plane to Cuba。。。 他駕駛一架小型飛機飛往古巴。

His inspiration to fly came even before he joined the Army。 他想開飛機的念頭在參軍之前就有了。

英語fly什麼意思小黑不白mei 2014-08-31

v飛翔 n蒼蠅

英語fly什麼意思心如時光天然涼. 2014-08-31