basket case 什麼意思 匿名使用者 1級 2006-04-15 回答

Basket的意思就是“籃子”。比如說,要是一個人在一次事故中失去了四肢,他就變得毫無能力來料理自己的生活,只能讓人家把他放在一隻籃子裡抬來抬去。這種毫無能力和希望的情景就是basket case的意思。Basket case經常被用來形容那些很窮的國家,它們的人民飢寒交迫,毫無希望。有的時候,basket case也是指那些老是虧錢,即將倒閉的企業。我們來舉個例子吧:

例句-1: I‘m really worried - our company is losing so much money these days that if things don’t get better in the next two months we‘ll be a basket case and have to go out of business。


Basket case也可以用半開玩笑的口氣來指個別人,就像下面這個人。他正在找工作,剛剛到一個公司去面談回來:

例句-2: They made me wait so long for the interview that I was a basket case by the time I finally got called in。 I’ve never been so nervous! I stammered, I stuttered——I almost couldn‘t remember my own name。


basket case 什麼意思 ▍想這樣″平平凡凡 1級 2006-04-16 回答

do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once i am one of those melodramatic fools neurotic to the bone no doubt about it sometimes i give myself the creeps sometimes my mind plays tricks on me it all keeps adding up i think i’m cracking up am i just paranoid? or i‘m just stoned i went to a shrink to analyze my dreams she says it’s lack of sex that‘s bringing me down i went to a whore he said my life’s a bore so quit my whining cause it‘s bringing her down sometimes i give myself the creeps sometimes my mind plays tricks on me it all keeps adding up i think i’m cracking up am i just paranoid? uh, yuh, yuh, ya grasping to control so i better hold on sometimes i give myself the creeps sometimes my mind plays tricks on me it all keeps adding up i think i‘m cracking up am i just paranoid? or i’m just stoned