寫一篇英文文章,寫假期去哪裡和誰一起去,那裡的天氣怎麼樣?沭子果2020-09-27 15:36:57

My tirp to Beijing last year 。I with my firend went to Beijing last year 。We were had a great time 。we climbed the Great wall and took photos of stone animals 。 We ate rost duck and bought some presentsto my parenets 。Finaly,I visit the Palace Museum witn my firends。

內容意思是 我去年去北京的旅行。我和我的朋友去年去了北京。我們玩的很愉快。我們爬長城和拍石頭動物的照片。我們北京烤鴨和購買些禮物給我的父母。最後,我和我的朋友參觀了故宮。