好的,快點,矮的,年輕的,小的用英語怎麼說?使用者9979671195156602020-01-14 20:33:20

“高和矮”的英文表達為“tall and short”。tall 英[tɔ:l] 美[tɔl] adj。 身材高的,高大的; (數量) 大的; (俚) 過分的,誇張的; adv。 誇大地; 趾高氣揚地; 例句1。Tall trees arched across the river。高大的樹木成拱形橫跨過那條河。2。This breed of horses is both tall and heavily grown。這種馬既高且大。3。Tall tales have a certain sameness。荒誕不經的故事有點千篇一律。4。Why is this tall old man so arrogant?這個長腳老頭憑什麼自以為了不起?5。She is about as tall as her mother now。她都趕上她媽媽的個子了。short 英[ʃɔ:t] 美[ʃɔ:rt] adj。 短期的; 短的,短暫的; 矮的; 短缺的; adv。 突然; 唐突地; 簡短地; 橫貫地; n。 短路; 缺乏; 短褲; 例句1。In speaking one should be short and to the point。說話要簡捷扼要。2。If you earn well , you will never go short。錢掙多了就什麼都不缺了。3。I wonder if there is any short cut。我想知道有沒有學好外語的捷徑?4。I found myself suddenly very short of breath。我覺得突然接不上氣來。5。Vermiculite tends to collapse in a short time。蛭石在短期內就會分解。