“be careful”怎麼讀?使用者8220280377930682019-08-05 14:16:59

be careful;讀音:英 [bi: ‘keəfl] 美 [bi: ’keəfl] ;解釋:當心, 注意;列句:;

1。Be careful about what you say。;對你所說的話要小心。;

2。You should be careful when making a promise。;你應當謹慎做出承諾。;

3。Be careful!;一定要小心!;

4。Be careful crossing the road。;過馬路要當心。;

5。Be careful of that viper; he is dangerous。;小心那個陰險的人,他很危險。;

6。Be careful of that chair; it‘s a bit rocky。;當心,那椅子有些不穩。;

7。Be careful when you cross the road。;過馬路時要當心。;

8。Be careful not to lose too much liquid by evaporation。;小心,不要因為蒸發作用而失掉過多的水份。