英語加er是什麼形式?曉綠英語愛好者2022-04-02 10:35:41


adj。 更冷的,越來越冷的(cold的比較級)

It was perceptibly colder。


Stress makes our hands feel colder and more rigid 。而壓力會讓手變得稍冷稍僵硬。

And when the sea drains , the climate becomes drier and colder 。但是當海洋乾涸時,氣候會變得乾燥和寒冷。

Climate got colder , my feelings for her began to fade away 。天氣漸漸轉涼,我對她的感覺也趨於平淡。

Yes , it is colder outside , and we may need extra calories to stay warm 。沒錯,室外的氣溫很低,我們需要更多的能量來維持體溫。

If youre feeling sad your heart gets colder 。如果你覺得傷心口垂垂變寒。

英語加er是什麼形式?clamor972021-02-26 19:10:04
