普通PC機安裝MACOSX,提示五國語言重啟,該怎麼解決?使用者4878009924425832019-10-06 20:23:51


第一步:安裝pip,終端裡sudo -i輸入密碼後,輸入easy_install pip:

1:~ root# easy_install pip

Searching for pip

Best match: pip 6。0。8

Adding pip 6。0。8 to easy-install。pth file

Installing pip script to /Library/Frameworks/Python。framework/Versions/2。7/bin

Installing pip3。4 script to /Library/Frameworks/Python。framework/Versions/2。7/bin

Installing pip3 script to /Library/Frameworks/Python。framework/Versions/2。7/bin

Using /Library/Frameworks/Python。framework/Versions/2。7/lib/python2。7/site-packages

Processing dependencies for pip

Finished processing dependencies for pip


1:~ root# pip uninstall -r


pip uninstall [options] 。。。

pip uninstall [options] -r 。。。

-r option requires an argument

1:~ root# pip uninsatll -r pycrypto

ERROR: unknown command “uninsatll” - maybe you meant “uninstall”

1:~ root# pip uninstall -r pycrypto

Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘pycrypto’

1:~ root# pip unistall -y pycrypto

ERROR: unknown command “unistall” - maybe you meant “uninstall”

1:~ root# pip uninstall -y pycrypto

Uninstalling pycrypto-2。6。1:

Successfully uninstalled pycrypto-2。6。1