一般現在時表將來主要標誌詞有哪些?使用者32849689669852622019-10-18 00:30:53

你好,我是【繽紛多彩貴州風】,很高興為你解答。一般現在時表將來1)下列動詞:come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return的一般現在時表將來。這主要用來表示在時間上已確定或安排好的事情。The train leaves at six tomorrow morning。When does the bus star? It stars in ten minutes。2)倒裝句,表示動作正在進行,如:Here comes the bus。 = The bus is coming。There goes the bell。 = The bell is ringing。3)在時間或條件句中。When Bill comes (不是will come), ask him to wait for me。I‘ll write to you as soon as I arrive there。4)在動詞hope, take care that, make sure that等後。I hope they have a nice time next week。Make sure that the windows are closed before you leave the room。中學英語中,有些從句只能用一般現在時形式表示一般將來時,現歸納如下,以供參考。一、在由if,unless引導的條件狀語從句中,如:1。 If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, there will be a sports meet in our school。 2。You will miss the train unless you set out at once。二、在由when,before,after,as soon as,once,till/untill引導的時間狀語從句中,如:1。When you meet a new word,you may look it up in your dictionary。 2。When you arrive in London at 8 tomorrow morning, it will be 4 o‘clock in Bejing in the afternoon。 3。You will have to get everything ready for the party before I come this evening。 4。 After you finish reading the whole book, you will be able to know its real meaning。 5。I’ll write to you as soon as I get there。 6。Once you understand its meaning, you will easily remember the word。 7。I‘ll not leave here until/till he comes back。三、在由as/so long as(只要……)引導的條件的狀語從句中,如:1。It is hard to avoid mistakes, as/so long as you correct them conscientiously, it will be all right。2。 so long as one inch of this deck remains above water, here is ho更多專業的科普知識,歡迎關注我。如果喜歡我的回答,也請給我贊或轉發,你們的鼓勵,是支援我寫下去的動力,謝謝大家。

一般現在時表將來主要標誌詞有哪些?伊敏兒2022-04-07 22:46:55

一般現在時表將來出現在主句是將來時態,這時侯的時間或條件狀語從句用一般現在時表將來,例如:1。I will tell you if she comes back。(這時她還沒有回)

2。Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions。(聽者現在還沒有問題)。

3。I will call you whennever I am in need。(說話者目前還沒有需要)

總而言之,當主句有表示將來時態的詞如will或be going to do時,或主句是喑含將來時態的祈使句,這時從句就用一般現在時表將來時。