sendsomethingtosomebody造句?妮楠寧寧2022-01-05 14:38:26

If I want to send something to someone who works for my company - my bank, but in another office, perhaps in the other side of the city, then I put it in inter-office mail。


The ability to send someone a Christmas ornament through social networking sites is seen by this user as something just as relevant as the ability to recall a forgotten password。


It was so useless at replacing rubber that GE tried to send it to scientists around the world in hopes that someone, anyone, could figure out something to do with it。


If you want something, don‘t wait for someone will send to you one day。


“How strange that anyone would send something like that to a funeral,” someone said。 “It seems more appropriate for a birth。”


“How strange that anyone would send something like that to a funeral,” someone said。 “It seems more appropriate for a birth。”


sendsomethingtosomebody造句?不知名的賭徒2021-08-06 10:34:35

I send a pen to you。我送一支筆給你。