寫一篇遊記寫寒假生活50字?使用者4996860478462019-10-30 16:53:15

I had a very happy winter vacation ,and i have something to write down about it。In the first few days,i read some books,some interesting stories。Then i went skiing with my parents,and it was really exciting。In the last week,i stayed at home and did my homework ,together with , helped my mother with the housework。I have to say ,it was really a good time for me。這個寒假真是一段美好的時光,我想把它寫下來。起初的的幾天,我讀了些書,一些有趣的故事。之後,我和父母踏上了滑雪的旅途,滑雪真是太刺激了。最後一週,我待在家寫作業順便幫媽媽做家務。我不得不說,這個寒假對於我來說真是太有意義了。