tips and tricks是什麼意思?使用者3118965441307472020-02-11 19:33:50

tips-and-tricks提示和技巧雙語例句1。 They offer tips on topics such as home safety。 他們就家居安全等問題提供建議。2。 He could feel his fingers growing numb at their tips。 他能感到指尖正在變得麻木。3。 His fingers poked through the worn tips of his gloves。 他的手指從手套的破指尖處露了出來。4。 In addition to my weekly wage, I got a lot of tips。 除了每週的薪水外,我還能得到不少小費。5。 The sleeves covered his hands to the tips of his fingers。 袖子遮住了他的手,一直蓋到指尖。