

(fcpowerup。com)是以電源評測(Power Supple Unit Review)為主要內容的網站,相信各位能看到本文的讀者都應該瞭解電源在計算機中所處的位置及其重要性。和CPU類似,電源作為一個計算機部件,同樣也有效能指標和技術規格。為了使各位讀者更方便地食用本站的電源評測,就必須要有一篇說明書一樣的指導文章,所以有了本文。我將在本文中介紹我目前使用的電源評測裝置以及測試方法,方便讀者理解評測中所出現的效能指標、技術規格以及這些引數在電源工作時起到什麼樣的作用。

To read the English version please click here→ How do i test power supplies。



目前PC電源行業的廠家一般都會在研發、測試、生產過程中採用至茂電子生產的Chroma系列電子負載作為測試儀器,Intel的測試實驗室同樣使用Chroma的電子負載。使用可程式設計的高速電子負載,可以使得被測電源進入各種所需要的輸入輸出狀態,再使用儀表配合測得各項效能指標。本網站最早進行電源評測時使用的是Chroma 6000系列電源測試系統,從2016年底更新的EVGA SuperNOVA 1600 G2評測開始更新裝備,使用更為先進的Chroma 8000系列SMPS自動電源測試系統。


電子負載模組是這一套負載系統的重頭戲,它的拉載能力決定了能測多大瓦數的電源。目前這一套Chroma 8000系列SMPS自動電源測試系統的電子負載部分包含9組63640-80-80可程式設計直流電子負載(400W每組)、2組63630-80-60可程式設計直流電子負載(300W每組),1組63610-80-20可程式設計直流電子負載(100Wx2),累計可夠提供高達4400W的拉載能力。


引用一下官方的圖片,Chroma 8000測試系統的其他部分還包括一臺Chroma 66202 數字功率表、一臺Agilent-34401A數字電錶、一臺Chroma61605 交流源(4KVA)、一臺Chroma 80611 時序/雜訊分析儀、一臺Chroma 80612 短路及過電壓保護測試儀、一臺Chroma 80613 電源控制器,還有一臺工業電腦。

其他外部儀表包括一臺泰克MDO3014數字示波器(見下圖,圖片同樣來自泰克官方)、一臺泰克TDS 3014數字示波器,用於分析紋波、掉電保持時間等專案。一臺速為SW826非接觸式光電測速儀 (解析度1RPM/min),用於測量電源風扇轉速。一個FILR One Pro熱成像儀(精度±3°C或讀數的±5%,解析度0。1℃),用於捕捉電源熱成像圖。


藉助以上這些昂貴的玩具,我得以遵循Intel所制定的『Desktop Platform Form Factors Power Supply Design Guide』設計指導對電源進行全面的測試,我們常說的“Intel ATX12V”規範包含在其中。

效能指標、技術規格及測試方法 Performance, Specification & Methodology

我將從本站的電源評測文章結構來逐項介紹測試方法,以下的測試方法基於『Intel Desktop Platform Form Factors Power Supply Design Guide』而來。電源行業的研發設計、生產、測試基本圍繞著此指導書進行。測試程式由作者本人編寫。


1。介紹 Introduction

2。開箱 Packaging,Contents & Exterior

3。拆解 Teardown & Component analysis

4。測試 Tests

4-1。 電壓穩定性 Load Regulation

4-2。 效率 Efficiency

4-3。 空載及輕載 No-load & Light Load Test

4-4。 風扇轉速、溫度 Fan Speed, Temperature

4-5。 5Vsb待機 5V Standby

4-6。 交叉負載 Cross-Load Test

4-7。 紋波及噪聲 Ripple & Noise

4-8。 浪湧電流、掉電保持時間 Inrush Current, Hold-Up Time

4-9。 動態響應測試 Transient Response Test

5。 評級及總結 Rating & Conclusion

1. 介紹 Introduction


2. 開箱 Packaging,Contents & Exterior


3. 拆解 Teardown & Component analysis


4. 測試 Tests


5. 評級及總結 Rating & Conclusion



4-1. 電壓穩定性 Load Regulation

不同的電腦硬體有著不同的工作電壓,例如CPU和顯示卡主要使用+12V,主機板和硬碟使用5V和3。3V。Intel ATX12V規範中對於各組電壓的輸出範圍有著明確的要求,在整個負載範圍內,+12V、+5V、+3。3V和+5Vsb的輸出範圍應不超過±5%,對-12V的要求則是±10%。不過由於當前的電腦中對-12V的使用已經非常少,-12V已經是一組可選電壓。


在本站評測的電壓專案中,會出現兩個引數,一個是電壓偏離Voltage accuracy,另外一個則是規範中出現的負載調整率Load regulation。

電壓偏離 Voltage accuracy,即電壓精度,是指在整個負載範圍內電壓偏離標準值最大的幅度。一般出廠設定都會略高於標準值,便於抵消線材損耗。在某些情況下,比如損耗較大的+12V線路使用自定義模組線時會有較大的線損,不少廠家都會抬高+12V的出廠電壓值。

負載調整率 Load regulation,是指在整個負載範圍內電壓隨負載變化的波動幅度,變動幅度越小,則電壓穩定性越強。



4-2. 效率 Efficiency

常見的效率認證有藍天使、能源之星(ENERGY STAR)和80 PLUS認證等,後者近十年影響著整個行業,已經是PC電源品類的標杆認證,這裡簡單提一下認證的效率要求,我們後續有時間再詳細展開講一下。


本站的效率測試不同於80 PLUS或者其他效率認證按輸出功率百分比進行,而是透過下方的均衡負載配置表,以相對固定的瓦數步進來進行效率測試,覆蓋輕載、典型負載和高負載,符合實際使用情況,讀者可以根據自己的硬體配置找到對應的電源使用情況。測試條件分為230Vac 50Hz和115Vac 60Hz兩檔。






Intel ATX12V規範裡對效率也有要求,在v2。52版本里對20%、50%和100%負載的效率要求分別是65%、72%和70%。對目前的主流產品來說輕鬆達到。

4-3. 空載及輕載 No-load & Light Load Test


輕載測試(Light Load Test)主要是考核電源處於交叉負載的CL1(約12W)和均衡負載輸出30W、50W、75W、100W共5檔輕載狀態時的電壓、轉換效率、風扇轉速錶現,電腦處於桌面待機或者輕度使用時消耗的功率就處於這幾檔範圍,本項測試有助於使用者瞭解此時電源的工作狀態。


4-4. 風扇轉速、溫度 Fan Speed, Temperature





4-5. 5Vsb待機 5V StandBy

5Vsb待機專案依照Intel ATX12V 2。3以及歐洲ErP Lot 6 2013中的待機要求進行測試。Intel ATX12V 2。3規範要求5Vsb在100mA、250mA、大於1A的負載時效率必須大於或者等於50%、60%、70%。

1。1版更新:歐洲ErP Lot 6 2013則要求0A時消耗功率不得超過0。5W,45mA下效率必須高於45%。


4-6. 交叉負載 Cross-Load Test

交叉負載是按Intel ATX12V 2。4、SSI EPS12V 2。92電源設計指導規範,結合高功耗核心CPU和高功耗獨立顯示卡、低功耗的ITX/STX平臺所設計。









交叉負載主要考核電源輸出電壓的穩定性,同樣輸出電壓必須在Intel ATX12V規範規定的±5%的範圍內,電壓偏離額定值越小越好。負載調整率即電壓隨負載變化的波動情況,數值越小則電壓穩定性越強。



4-7. 紋波及噪聲 Ripple & Noise

紋波和噪聲(Ripple & Noise)是電源直流輸中的交流成分,一部分可能是交流電經過整流穩壓後仍然存在的交流成分,一部分則是電路電晶體本身所產生的開關紋波和噪聲,如果用示波器觀察就可以看到電壓像水波紋一樣波動,所以叫紋波。過高的紋波會干擾數位電路,影響電路工作的穩定性。


Intel ATX12V v2。52中規定,+12V、+5V、+3。3V、-12V和+5Vsb的輸出紋波與噪聲的Vp-p分別不得超過120mV、50mV、50mV、120mV和50mV。本測試主要針對12V、5V、3。3V和5Vsb,對-12V不作要求。測試使用數字示波器在20MHz模擬頻寬下按Intel ATX12V規範給治具板測量點處並接去耦電容進行測量。




4-8. 浪湧電流、掉電保持時間 Inrush Current, Hold-Up Time


浪湧電流(Inrush Current)是指電源接通AC交流電的瞬間流入電源的最大瞬時電流,由於對PFC電容進行迅速充電,所以該電流的峰值要遠大於正常電源工作狀態下的輸入電流。過大的浪湧電流可能會損壞保險管、NTC熱敏電阻、整流橋、AC開關等器件。數值也是越小越好的。測試條件為滿載、264Vac 63Hz輸入。



掉電保持時間(Hold-up Time)指的是AC掉電後主要的DC電壓輸出值跌出5%的時間,按照最新的Intel ATX12V v2。52規範,T5 (AC loss to PWR_OK hold-up time)必須>16ms,說人話就是PWR_OK(Power-Good)的掉電保持時間要大於16ms,同時T6(PWR_OK inactive to DC loss delay)必須>1ms,即DC電壓的掉電保持時間比PWR_OK還要+1ms,來保障其他硬體維持運轉,總結起來就是PWR_OK必須>16ms,12V/5V/3。3V等DC電壓必須>17ms。




4-9.動態測試 Dynamic Test

由於2018年的CPU/顯示卡功率暴增,在2018-11-08日釋出的海盜船RM650x v2018評測中加回動態測試(Dynamic Test)。動態測試在Intel ATX12V規範中也稱“直流輸出瞬態響應測試DC Output Transient Test”。

上面傳統的靜態測試專案是模擬電腦功耗處於穩態時電源的各種情況。假設電腦滿載穩定消耗功率300W,從測試結果就可得知,此刻海盜船RM650x v2018的12V電壓在12。038V,輸出紋波在9。2mV,風扇轉速0RPM。






我們需要做的就是確保電源在瞬變發生過程中不觸發OPP關機、不重啟、不發生故障,測量到Vpk1和Vpk2兩個上下衝電壓幅值,ATX12V規範中的DC Output Transient Test定義了動態測試中負載變化率是從50Hz到10kHz,電壓輸出的偏離允許值為±5%,目前F站只對瞬變幅度大、變化率高的12V進行測試,±5%對12V來說就是不能超出±600mV的範圍。





12V2:從1A↔9A,Step Size 8A,Rise rate 1A/μS,相當於ATX12V 2。52中定義的CPU持續傳輸電流和峰值電流的平均差;

12V3:從1A↔13A,Step Size 12A,Rise rate 1A/μS,相當於一張150W的顯示卡從滿負荷到空載來回跳變抽搐。



海盜船RM650x v2018動態測試情況:






海盜船RM650x v2018的12V原配電源線材內建了電容,預設使用原配線材進行測試,動態測試中電源沒有關機或者重啟,12V電壓值沒有超出±5%,平均電壓恢復時間在2。5ms,在現有的資料中屬於中等偏慢。


動態測試第二階段Beta Test中。




– 新增英文版本1。0。


– 4-5。 歐洲ErP Lot 6 2013則要求5Vsb在45mA輸出下效率必須高於45%。

– 加入 4-9。 動態測試 Dynamic Test。

– 4-8。 浪湧電流測試輸入電壓為264Vac。


A major goal of this website is to provide quality and reliable power supply unit (PSU) reviews。 As a computer system component, similar to the CPU, the PSU also has its technical specifications and performance measurements。 We believe that most readers of this article understand the important role that PSU plays in computer system。 In order to make it easier for our readers to “digest” the reviews, it is necessary to have a user manual as the guidance, so we have it here。 In this article, we will introduce the equipment and methodology we used, to help the reader, you, to establish a basic concept for understanding each technical specification and how does these terms affect the operation of the power supply system behind their measurements。

Our Equipment

Good equipment is the cornerstone for delivering accurate reviews。 Every computer component has a suitable testing software and/or instrument, for example, the CPU and GPU can be tested with some benchmark software。 But this becomes much more complicated when it comes to test PSU。 In addition to having the proper knowledge of electronics, expensive and precise external electronic load and other instrumentations are required to comprehensively and accurately test various performance measurements。

The Chroma power supply test system is widely used by manufacturers in the PSU industry in their R&D, testing, and production processes, as well as Intel’s testing laboratory。 The Chroma 6000 ATS was used for our early reviews。 Starting with the EVGA SuperNOVA 1600 G2 reviewed at the end of 2016, we upgraded to the more advanced Chroma 8000 SMPS ATS system。


The programmable high-performance Chroma testing system can simulate various input and output states on the PSU under test, then we use appropriate instruments to measure different testing subjects。 The electronic load module is the key component of this system, it simply determines the maximum power of PSU that can be tested。 The electronic load module in our Chroma 8000 system consists of nine 63640-80-80 programmable DC electronic load (400W each), two 63630-80-60 programmable DC electronic load (400W each), and one 63610-80-20 (100W ×2), which allows us to have up to 4400W of load。


Our Chroma 8000 system also includes one Chroma 66202 digital power meter, one Agilent 34401A digital multimeter, one Chroma 61605 AC source (4KVA), one Chroma 80611 timing/noise analyzer, one Chroma 80612 OVP/short circuit tester, one Chroma 80613 ON/OFF controller, and an industrial PC。

Our external instrumentations include the following: one Tektronix MDO3014 oscilloscopes, and one Tektronix TDS3014 oscilloscopes to analyze ripple, hold-up time and other subjects; one Suwei SW826 non-contact tachometer (resolution: 1RPM/min) to measure speed of fans; one FLIR One Pro thermal camera (accuracy: ±3°C or ±5%, resolution 0。1°C) to capture thermal images。


With the help of these expensive toys, we are able to perform the comprehensive test in accordance with the “Desktop Platform Form Factors Power Supply Design Guide” developed by Intel, which includes the often said “Intel ATX12V” specification。

Performance, Specification & Methodology

We will introduce each specification and methodology based on the structure of our PSU reviews。 The test methodologies reference to “Intel Desktop Platform Form Factors Power Supply Design Guide”, which is a common guideline for R&D, production, and testing in PSU industry。 The test program is developed by our tester “fc (fcpowerup)”。

Our PSU reviews are structured as follows:


2。Packaging, Contents & Exterior

3。Teardown & Component Analysis

4。Performance Tests

4-1。 Voltage Regulation

4-2。 Efficiency

4-3。 No Load & Light Load

4-4。 Fan Speed & Temperature

4-5。 5V Standby

4-6。 Cross-Load Tests

4-7。 Ripple & Noise

4-8。 Inrush Current & Hold-Up Time

4-9。 Dynamic Tests

5。 Conclusion & Rating

1. Introduction

Introduce the market background and market positioning of the brand and PSU itself。

2. Packaging,Contents & Exterior

Introduce and analyse the packaging, exterior design and build quality, cables, and other accessories。

3. Teardown & Component analysis

Disassemble the PSU to examine and analyse the interior design and components。

4. Performance Tests

Please see the detailed introduction in the next section。

5. Conclusion & Rating

Give conclusion and rating according to the PSU’s exterior design, performance, build quality, acoustic noise, market positioning, price, and warranty。

Performance Tests in Details

4-1. Voltage Regulation

Different hardwares in computer request different operating voltages, usually CPU and graphic cards use +12V, motherboard and hard drive use +5V and +3。3V。 Intel has clear requirements in their ATX12V specification: at all loads, the regulation ranges of +12V, +5V, +3。3V and +5VSB shall always remain within ±5%, and the regulation range of -12V is ±10%。 Since current computer system has little use of -12V, -12V output is optional。


Beside the load regulation in Intel ATX standard, we also test voltage accuracy in our reviews。

Voltage accuracy refers to the maximum deviation of the voltage from the standard value over the entire load range。 Generally, the factory setting of voltage output will be slightly higher than the standard voltage to offset the transmission loss along cables。

Load regulation refers to the changes of output voltage depends on loads over the entire load range。 The smaller the variation, the stronger the voltage stability。

For example, the following graph shows the 5VSB of a PSU。 Its standard voltage is 5V, the maximum measured voltage is 5。118V, the minimum measured voltage is 5。074V。 Thus, the calculated maximum voltage deviation is 2。36%, and the load regulation is 0。88%。


4-2. Efficiency

Common efficiency certifications include Blue Angel, ENERGY STAR, and 80 PLUS。 Especially 80 PLUS, which has affected the entire industry in the past decade, is already the benchmark for PC PSU。 The following chart is a simple demonstration of 80PLUS requirements, and we will have an article to talk about 80PLUS in detail in the future。


Our efficiency test is different from other common certifications such as 80PLUS, which based on percentage load of rated maximum power。 We test efficiency in fixed steps of load as the following table to cover both light loads, typical loads, and heavy loads and match the actual usage scenarios。 Readers can find the corresponding power usage according to their hardware configuration。 The efficiency is tested in both 230VAC 50Hz and 115VAC 60Hz。


The testing results are included in the “Input & Output Test” table, and are also display as efficiency curve。



Intel ATX12V specification has efficiency requirements for 20%, 50%, and 100% loads are 65%, 72%, and 70%, respectively。 These requirements are easy to achieve for current mainstream PSUs。

4-3. No-load & Light Load Test

No load test measures the power consumption of PSU itself with zero output。 We test the idle power consumption by shorting PS-ON and GND to turn the PSU on without having any output load。 The PSU should has no damage or hazardous condition in the situation。

Light load test examine the performance of PSU when the PC is idle with desktop or when it is lightly used。 We evaluates the voltages, efficiency, fan speed of the PSU in 5 load states: CL1 (approx。 12W, refer to 4。5 Cross-Load section), 30W, 50W, 75W, and 100W。


4-4. Fan Speed, Temperature

Fan speed is tested over the entire load range。


Temperature is captured by thermal camera after the PSU is fully loaded with 230VAC input after 10 minutes。


4-5. 5V StandBy

We test 5VSB according to the requirements of Intel ATX12V specification v2。3 and ErP Lot 6 2013 regulation。 Intel ATX12V specification v2。3 requires the efficiency of 5VSB must be greater than or equal to 50%, 60%, and 70% at 100mA, 250mA, and more than 1A loads, respectively。 ErP Lot 6 2013 regulation requires the power consumption to be less than 0。5W at 0A output and the efficiency of 5VSB must be greater than 45% at 45mA。

Currently we test 5VSB performance according to the following current load table。


4-6. Cross-Load Test

The cross-load test takes ideas from Intel ATX12V specification v2。4 and SSI EPS12V Power Supply Design Guide v2。92, and combines the concepts of high-end platforms and low-power platforms。

We design seven states for cross-load test:

CL1 – Light Load: Test the voltage stability and efficiency at very low total load。

CL2 – Focus on +5V/+3。3V: Set +5V, +3。3V rails with maximum load and +12V rail with light load, to simulate the simultaneous startup of multiple hard drives。

CL3 – Heavy Load: Set +12V, +5V, +3。3V rails with maximum load, to simulate heavy total load。

CL4 – Focus on +12V: Set +12V rail with maximum load and +5V, +3。3V rails with light load, to simulate overclocking or gaming with single SSD。

CL5 – 12V Max: Test the performance of extreme case where +12V rail is at maximum load and +5V, +3。3V have no loads。

CL6 – 5V Max: Test the performance of extreme case where +5V rail is at maximum load and +12V, +3。3V have no loads。

CL7: 3。3V Max: Test the performance of extreme case where +3。3V rail is at maximum load and +12V, +5V have no loads。

The cross load mainly examines the stability of the output voltage。 Within the range of ±5% required by the Intel ATX12V specification, the smaller the voltage deviates and load regulation, the better the accuracy and stability。



4-7. Ripple & Noise

The output voltage fluctuates like the water ripple when observed with an oscilloscope。 Ripple and noise is the AC component that lay on the DC output of the PSU。 A part of ripple and noise is the residual AC component after rectifying and filtering, another part is the ripple and switching noise generated by the transistor in the circuit。 Excessive amounts of ripple can interfere with digital circuits and affect the stability of the circuit。


According to Intel ATX12V specification v2。52, the maximum output ripple and noise (p-p) is 120 mV for +12V, 50mV for +5V, 50mV for +3。3V, 120 mV for -12V, 50mV for +5VSB。


Our ripple test focus on +12V, +5V, +3。3V, and +5VSB, and does not test -12V。 We follow the Intel ATX12V specification to connect the decoupling capacitors in parallel to the measuring points on fixture, and use an oscilloscope with 20 MHz of bandwidth to measure。

We test ripple and noise with seven states: 50W to simulate idle with desktop, 100W to simulate daily use, 300W to simulate gaming with single graphic card, maximum total load and maximum load of each rail (+12V, +5V, +3。3V) to test the performance under stresses。 Usually the ripple is the largest when the PSU is at maximum load。


4-8. Inrush Current, Hold-Up Time

Inrush current is the instantaneous maximum input current drawn by the PSU at turn-on。 Because the PFC capacitor needs to be quickly charged, the inrush current is considerably larger than the normal operating current。 The smaller the inrush current, the better the performance。 Excessive inrush current can damage components in PSU, such as the fuse, NTC thermistor, bridge rectifier, and AC switch。


Hold-up time is the time that the output voltages stay within required ±5% range after loss of AC input。 According to the newest Intel ATX12V specification v2。52, the T5 (AC loss to PWR_OK hold-up time) must be greater than 16ms, in other words the PSU must be able to maintain PWR_OK (Power Good) signal more than 16ms after loss of AC source。 Also T6(PWR_OK inactive to DC loss delay) must be greater than 1ms, which means the PSU must be able to keep DC output more 1ms after the PWR_OK signal stopped to keep other hardware running。 In short, after loss of AC, PWR_OK signal remains > 16ms, voltage of DC output such as +12V/+5V/+3。3V remains > 17ms。

Sufficient PWR_OK hold-up time (T5) means that loss of AC within 16ms or switching to the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) will not cause the computer to shutdown or restart。 Likewise, the DC voltage hold-up time (T5+T6), which is longer than the PWR_OK hold-up time, guarantees other hardware have time to take appropriate procedures, such as retracing the head in hard drives and power loss protection of SSDs。

The test setup for hold-up time is at maximum load with 264VAC input。


4-9. Dynamic Test

The above static test methods are designed to simulate the various conditions of the PSU when the computer power consumption is in a steady state。 Assume that a computer steady consume 300W power when it is at maximum load, according to our test result, Corsair RM650x v2018 has 12。038V output for +12V rail, 9。2mV of output ripple, and 0RPM of fan speed at this moment。

However, in reality, the power consumption of the computer changes at every moment。 For example, the load of CPU rapidly increases, causing the power limit to change from PL1 to PL2 and keep it for 10ms; When playing game, the power consumption of the graphics card may reach 300W or even higher, for a few milliseconds。

Traditional static test methods do not consider the dynamic changes of power load。 Due to factors such as line compensation, resistance of components and input impedance, the output voltage of the PSU generally decreases as the load increases。 When the load is removed, there is a process for the output voltage to recovery to steady state。

According to the following graph, when the load shift from I/R-1 to I/R-2 (called “load transient”), the output voltage of PSU drops from Vs-1 to Vs-2, like a step down。 It takes time for the PSU to response to change of load, as a result, there actually is a process of “overshoot/undershoot – recovery”。 During this process, the peak voltage change is usually larger than the regulated output voltage in magnitude。 In other words, when the load increases from I/R-1 to I/R-2, the output voltage first drops to a lower voltage Vpk-1, and then gradually rise up to the steady voltage Vs-2。 Conversely, when the load drops from I/R-2 to I/R-1, the output voltage will rise from Vs-2 to Vs-1。 This process also has a higher overshoot voltage Vpk-2 than Vs-1。


DC Output Transient Test in ATX12V specification requires the load changes from 50Hz to 10kHz, and the output voltage keeps within ±5%。 Currently we only test +12V which’s load transient usually is large in magnitude and high in frequency, and ±5% for 12V is ±600mV。

Our test first verify that the PSU should not shut down, restart, or fail。 Then we measure the peak voltages for overshoot and undershoot。 Beside that, we also measure the time that the PSU needs to regulate the voltage after load transient occurred Tr-1 and Tr-2。We call them the voltage recovery time (or voltage rebuild time), and we believe voltage recovery time directly reflects the dynamic performance, although Intel’s ATX12V specifications has no requirement of such time。

Based on the current CPU and graphic card in market, our dynamic test stage-1 uses following setups:

12V2: 1A ↔ 9A, step size 8A, rise rate 1A/μs, in equivalent to the mean difference between the continuous current and peak current of the CPU defined in ATX12V 2。52。

12V3: 1A ↔ 13A, step size 12A, rise rate 1A/μs, in equivalent to a 150W graphic card switch cramp between maximum load and idle。

We add load simultaneously to 12V2 and 12V3 to simulate CPU and graphic card are both running。 We test dynamic performance with 5 different changing rate: 10Hz, 50Hz, 100Hz, 1kHz, 10kHz。 We chose 50Hz and 100Hz as the main test object to show the performance difference in the review。 Normally 1kHz and 10kHz will not be mentioned, unless important problem, like the overshoot/undershoot voltage exceeding the requirement, occurs。

Take the Corsair RM650x v2018 as an example for dynamic test:






By default, the included cables are used in the test。 The 12V cables come with Corsair RM650x v2018 feature inline capacitors。 In dynamic test, neither shut down nor restart has occurred, and the output voltage does not exceed ±5%。 The average voltage recovery time is 2。5ms, which is slightly slower than medium level in our current data collection。

Currently, dynamic test result is not being rated。

The dynamic test stage-2 is coming soon.

This article is our PSU test equipment and methodology version 1。1。 We will continue to upgrade our equipments and improve our methodologies to match the evolving industrial specifications and user demands。



Add English version v1。1。


Add English version。

2018-11-08, version 1。1

Add 4-9 Dynamic Test。

4-5 “ErP Lot 6 2013 regulation requires … the efficiency must be higher than 45% at 45mA。”

4-8 Inrush current use 264Vac input。