in a way和in the way的區別doasulike66 2015-06-18

1。in the way(擋路;妨礙):

Her social life got in the way of her studies(她的社會活動妨礙了她的學習。)

2。 In a way,是“某個方面”,“在某種意義上”。如In a way,he was right。(在某個意義上說,他是對的。)

in a way和in the way的區別下蛋下蛋總是下蛋 2015-06-18



in the way 擋路,妨礙

in a way 在某種意義上


in a way和in the way的區別313傾國傾城 2015-10-27

in the way 意為“擋道;妨礙(某人)”。如:

Tell the boy not to stand in the way。叫那個男孩別擋道礙事。

in a way 意為“用某種方法(做某事)”。名詞way前面常有形容詞或this/that修飾。如:

He worked out the problem in a simple way。他用簡單的方法算出了這道題。

In this way over several days the artist and his mouse became good friends。


注意:如果in a way單獨使用,way前不加任何修飾語,意為“在某種程度上;在某些方面(某一點上)”。如: The article is well written in a way。從某種程度上來說,這篇文章寫得不錯。

in a way和in the way的區別feiyu5217 2015-10-27

1。in the way(擋路;妨礙):

Her social life got in the way of her studies(她的社會活動妨礙了她的學習。)

2。 In a way,是“某個方面”,“在某種意義上”。如In a way,he was right。(在某個意義上說,他是對的。)


⊙ on the way(在路上):Let’s wait a few moments。 He’s on the way。(咱們等一會兒,他正在路上。[快到了])

⊙ By the way 是個語氣詞,即“附帶說一句”之意。如:By the way, has everybody arrived?(附帶問一句,大家是否都到了?)

in a way和in the way的區別匿名使用者 2015-06-18

in a way指在某種程度上,in the way指擋路