電影《冰雪奇緣》的主題曲《let it go》是誰唱的 匿名使用者 1級 2016-02-11 回答

Idina Menzel擔任片中角色——艾莎(Elsa)的配音以及演唱。

“Let It Go”是迪士尼動畫工作室的2013年動畫作品冰雪奇緣當中的歌曲,由羅伯特•洛佩茲和克里斯汀•安德森•洛佩茲作曲作詞。這首歌由美國女演員及歌手Idina Menzel擔任片中角色——艾莎(Elsa)的配音以及演唱。這首歌在艾莎女王離開她的王國之後,獨自一人在冰天雪地的世界裡開始創造她的新王國時所演唱。歌曲同時表現艾莎女王瞭解自己不再需要隱藏自己的能力,而能夠重新開始自由使用這項能力。

電影《冰雪奇緣》的主題曲《let it go》是誰唱的 幸福等等我 1級 2016-02-11 回答

冰雪奇緣主題曲let it go是黛米·洛瓦託,伊迪娜·門澤爾唱的。

歌名:let it go





填 詞:克里斯汀·安德森-洛佩茲,羅伯特·洛佩茲

譜 曲:克里斯汀·安德森-洛佩茲,羅伯特·洛佩茲

編 曲:克里斯汀·安德森-洛佩茲,羅伯特·洛佩茲


the snow blows white on the mountain tonight

not a footprint to be seen

a kingdom of isolation and it looks like i‘m the queen

the wind is howling like the swirling storm inside

couldn’t keep it in, heaven knows i tried

don‘t let them in, don’t let them see

be the good girl

you always had to be

conceal, don‘t feel

don’t let them know

well, now they know

let it go

let it go

can‘t hold it back anymore

let it go

let it go

turn away and slam the door

i don’t care

what they‘re going to say

let the storm rage on

the cold never bothered me anyway

it’s funny how some distance

makes everything seem small

and the fears that once controlled me

can‘t get to me at all

it’s time to see what i can do

to test the limits and break through

no right, no wrong, no rules for me

i‘m free

let it go

let it go

i am one with the wind and sky

let it go

let it go

you’ll never see me cry

here i stand

and here i stay

let the storm rage on

my power flurries through the air into the ground

my soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around

and one thought crystallizes like an icy blast

i‘m never going back

the past is in the past

let it go

let it go

and i’ll rise like the break of dawn

let it go

let it go

that perfect girl is gone

here i stand in the light of day

let the storm rage on

the cold never bothered me anyway