英語作文,給英語老師的一封信…… 匿名使用者 1級 2014-01-08 回答

Dear Mr Li:


Imperceptibly, one and a half years passed quickly, andyou separate the time has come。 The classroom stillechoed her ringing sonorous voice, the students seem tofeel his rigorous in love。 We, on your arm, cross theMercedes Benz horse。

Little chalk is your hands, when the bell is your journeycharge bugle。 In order to us your sleepless nights, in order to we you work, you be most willing to no regrets!How many day and night you sleepless, how much youcan return the wind and rain。 A road sour, sweet, bitter, hot, the laughter all the way, you spend with us, we will give you a sweet forever grateful。 You like a candle,burning themselves, others lit。 As the saying goes: “to death to make silk, wax torch ashes only dry tears。 The teacher is the engineer of the human soul。” I like to see you for our happy appearance, also like to see you for us excited, like watching you for us angry, no matter what you always make me love。 Now, I will respect you,and will regard you as my good friend, Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs。 Recall: just came here,we introduce the class, then you that I remember all the passions。 Although only a year and a half, but we know,although only a year and a half, but we are a long, I really could not bear。 Is that you let me take an examination of 100 points, you give I became the representative of English opportunities, is you let mecross the Mercedes Benz horse。 You are conscientious,be just and stern, as the team leader should also be such, I want to learn from you。 In short, thousands and thousands of words is not the road, let him into a sentence: “the teacher, I love you; teacher, you have worked hard!” Hope you can come back to have a lookof our future, our class activities should be to Oh, the excellent performance of the students are waiting for you!

Yours sincerely


Your student: XXX

英語作文,給英語老師的一封信…… 匿名使用者 1級 2014-01-08 回答








英語作文,給英語老師的一封信…… 匿名使用者 1級 2014-01-08 回答
