犯罪心理第五季 SEASON 5 經典語錄 (中英文)


a weak man has doubts before a decision。A strong man has them afterwards。——Karl krauss

卡爾·克勞斯(上世紀上半葉最傑出德語作家和語言大師之一,1874 - 1936):弱者在決策前遲疑,強者則反之。(Rossi)


one need not be a chamber to be haunted。 one need not be a house。The brain has corridors surpassing material place。——Emily dickinson

艾米莉·狄金森(美國詩人,1830 - 1886 ):無需親臨幽室便能體味精神折磨,無需親臨暗宅,思想能帶你穿越置身其中。(Hotch)

there is no witness so dreadful, no accuser so terrible,as the conscience that dwells in the heart of every man。——Polybius

波里比阿(古希臘歷史學家,約公元前204 - 122年):沒有可怕至極的證人,沒有恐怖之至的原告,因為良心存在於每個人心中。(Hotch)


Justice without force is powerless。Force without justice is tyrannical。——Blaise Pascal

帕斯卡(法國哲學家,1623 - 1662):正義缺少武力是無能,武力缺少正義是暴政。(Rossi)

I have always found that mercy bears richer fruit than strict justice。——Abraham Lincoln

亞伯拉罕·林肯(美國第16任總統,1809 - 1865):仁慈之樹總比嚴刑律法更碩果累累。(Rossi)


There is no lasting hope in violence,only temporary relief from hopelessness。——Kingman Brewster Jr。

Kingman Brewster Jr。(美國教育學家外交家、曾任耶魯校長,1919 - 1988):暴力無法給人持久的希望,只能讓人暫不心絕。(Morgan)

These violent delights have violent ends。——William Shakespeare

莎士比亞(英國劇作家、詩人,1564 - 1616):狂暴的快樂 都有狂暴的結局。(Morgan)


You don‘t really understand human nature,unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around and why his parents will always wave back。——William D。Tammeus

William D。Tammeus(記者):你不可能真正瞭解人性,除非能理解為什麼旋轉木馬上的孩子會在每次轉過父母時和他們招手,而父母也會每次和他們招手。(J。J)


and if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee。——matthew 5:29

馬太福音 5:29 :若是你的右眼叫你跌倒,就剜出來丟掉。(Morgan)

dwell in peace in the home of your own being,and the messenger of death will not be able to touch you。——Guru Nanak

聖人那納克(印度錫克教創始人,1469 -1539):生於靜,生於汝生之本;則死亡之兆,亦將不得近汝。(Morgan)


In all the darkest pages of the malign supernatural,There is no more terrible tradition than that of the vampire, A pariah even among demons。——Montague Summers

Montague Summers (作家,1880-1948):在所有描述邪惡鬼怪的黑暗文字裡,沒有比描述吸血鬼傳統更可怕的了,他是魔界的賤民。(Reid)

Better to write for yourself and have no public,than to write for the public and have no self。——Guru Nanak

Cyril Connolly(英國作家,1903 -1974):為自己寫作無人問津,好過為人寫作失去自我。(Prentiss)


man usually avoids attributing cleverness to somebody else, unless it’s an enemy。——Albert einstein

阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦(德裔美國科學家,現代物理學的開創者和奠基人,1879 - 1955):人通常不會承認別人比自己更智慧,除非他是你的敵人。(Morgan)


He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster,and if you gaze for long into an abyss, The abyss gazes also into you。——Friedrich Nietzsche

弗里德里希·尼采 (德國著名哲學家,詩人和散文家, 1844 - 1900):與惡魔鬥爭的人要時刻警惕,以免自己也變成惡魔,如果你久久地注視著深淵,那深淵同時也在注視著你。(Hotch)

So much of what is best in us is bound up in our love of family,that it remains the measure of our stability,because it measures our sense of loyalty。——Haniel Long

哈尼爾·龍(詩人,1888 - 1956):我們心底所有美好的感情都凝結在我們對家人的愛裡,這份愛留住屬於我們的安定,因為也正是這份愛衡量著我們內心的忠誠。(Hotch)


It‘s love that makes the world go ’round。——W。S。Gilbert

威廉·施萬克·吉爾伯特 (英國著名劇作家, 1540 -1605 ):愛讓世界轉動。(Hotch)

Where we love is home,home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts。——Oliver Wendell Holmes

Oliver Wendell Holmes(美國著名法學家,最高法院大法官,1809 -1894 ):我們所愛的地方是家,即使人離開了,心依然牽掛著。(Hotch)

What lies behind us and at lies before us are tiny matters,compared wt lies within us。——Ralph Waldo Emerson

拉爾夫·瓦爾多·愛默生(美國散文作家、思想家、詩人,1803 -1882 ):將要直面的,與已成過往的,較之深埋於我們內心的皆為微末。(Hotch)


Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure。——Tacitus

塔西佗 (Tacitus 古羅馬元老院議員、歷史學家, 公元55-117):人類更願意報復傷害而不願報答好意,因為感恩就好比重擔,而復仇則快感重重。(Prentiss)

There is a sacredness in tears,they are not the mark of weakness, but of power。 They are messengers of overwhelming grief and of unspeakable love。——Washington Irving

華盛頓·歐文(美國作家,1783 -1859 ):眼淚裡有一種神聖的東西,它不是懦弱的標誌而是力量的象徵,它傳遞著無法承受的悲痛以及無法言表的愛。(Prentiss)


Anything you cannot relinquish, when it has outlived its usefulness, possesses you。 And in this materialistic age, a great many of us are possessed by our possessions。——Mildred Lsette Norman

Mildred Lsette Norman:那些已經失去物質使用價值的東西,你卻仍然無法割捨它。在這個唯物主義的年代,我們之中很多人都被我們佔有的東西侵噬了靈魂。(Reid)

In life , unlike chess , the game continues after checkmate。——Isaac Asimov



Life is a game, play it。 Life is too precious, do not distroy it。——Mother Teresa

特蕾莎修女(也名為德蘭修女、泰瑞莎修女,著名諾貝爾和平獎獲得者,1910 - 1997):生活如戲,樂在其中。生命似金,敬請珍重。(J。J)

Experience is a brutal teacher but you learn。 My god do you learn。——C。S。 Lewis



If I am what I have, and if I lose what I have, who then am I? ——Erich Fromm

弗洛姆(德國心理學家):若我擁有所有,若我失去所有,那我是誰? (Rossi)

Oh what a tangled web we weave。 When first we practice to deceive。——Sir Walter Scott

沃爾特·司各特爵士(第一代從男爵,蘇格蘭歷史小說家、詩人,1771 - 1832):我們剛剛學會欺騙,就編織出如此混亂的絲網。(Prentiss)


Show me a hero and I‘ll write you a tragedy。——F。 Scott Fitzgerald

弗·司各特·菲茨傑拉德(美國小說家,1896 - 1940):給我一位英雄,我還你一出悲劇。(Rossi)

When a father gives to his son, they both laugh。——William Shakespeare

威廉·莎士比亞(英國文學史和戲劇史上最傑出的詩人和劇作家,1564 - 1616):父為子付出,雙方皆喜。(Rossi)


Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the tolments of man。——Nietzsche

尼采(德國哲學家、詩人和散文家,1844 - 1900):希望是萬惡之首,它不斷延長著人們的痛苦。(J。J)

Hope is the thing with feathers。 That perches in the soul。 And sings the tune without the words。 And never stops at all。——Emily Dickinson

艾米麗·狄更生(美國詩人,1830 - 1886):希望長有翅膀,棲於心靈之上,吟唱曲調,無須言表,天音嫋嫋,始終環繞。 (J。J)


We’re all of us sentenced to solitary confinement inside our own skins for life。——Tennessee Williams

田納西·威廉斯(美國劇作家,1911 - 1983):我們所有人都在自己的軀殼內,被孤獨的囚禁終生。(Prentiss)

Family is a haven in a heartless world——Christopher Lasch

克里斯托弗·拉什(美國史學家,1932 - 1994):現實生活鐵石心腸,唯有家庭宛如天堂。(Mogan)


I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt Hotch only more love。 (Hotchner)



A lion’s work hours are only when he’s hungry。 Once he’s satisfied, the predator and prey live peacefully together。 Chuck Jones(Prentiss)

Chuck Jones:獅子只在飢餓的時候獵食,一旦他果腹,捕獲者和獵物將和平共處。

Many persons have the wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness。 It is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose。 Helen Keller。 (Hotchner)

Helen Keller:很多人對什麼是真正的快樂理解錯誤。快樂不能因為自我滿足而獲得,但卻能透過為崇高的使命服務而獲得。


A sincere artist tries to create something which is in itself a living thing。 Painter William Dobell。 (Rossi)

William Dobell:真正的藝術家想要創造的是有生命的作品。

Gandhi said, I have seen children successfully surmount the effects of an evil inheritance。 That is due to purity being an inherent attribute of the soul。



Nature in her most dazzling aspects or stupendous parts, is but the background and the theater of the tragedy of man。 (Penelope Garcia)

John Morley:自然界深遠廣博,絢麗浩瀚,卻只不過是一幕幕人間悲劇的背景和舞臺。

Ralph 。W。 Sockman said Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as real strength。 (Penelope Garcia)

Ralph W Sockman :沒有什麼比溫柔更堅強,而也沒有什麼比真正的堅強更溫柔。


The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that is has taken place。 George Bernard Shaw。 (Hotchner)


The internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesen’t understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had。 Eric Schmidt (Rossi)

Eric Schmidt (Google CEO):網路是人類首次建立的自身所無法駕馭的東西,也是人類邁向混亂狀態的危險之舉。


Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote,“And out of the darkness ,came the hands that reached through nature,molding men”(Morgan)

Alfred Lord Tennyson寫道,在黑暗盡頭,冥冥之中一雙命運之手塑造著人類。
