
Trajan subdues a Jewish revolt (the Kitos War), then falls seriously ill, leaving Hadrian in command of the east。 On his death bed, Trajan adopts Hadrian and designates him as his successor。


Hadrian returns large parts of Mesopotamia to the Parthians as part of a peace settlement。



By 118, Hadrian himself had taken to the field against the Roxolani and the Iazyges, and although he defeated them, he agreed to reinstate the subsidies to the Roxolani。 Hadrian then decided to abandon certain portions of Trajan‘s Dacian conquests。 The territories annexed to Moesia Inferior (Southern Moldavia, the south-eastern edge of the Carpathian Mountains and the plains of Muntenia and Oltenia) were returned to the Roxolani。 As a result, Moesia Inferior reverted once again to the original boundaries it possessed prior to the acquisition of Dacia。



Emperor Hadrian stations Legio VI Victrix in Roman Britain, to assist in quelling the resistance of a local rebellion。 The legion is a key in securing the victory, and eventually replaces Legio IX Hispana at Eboracum。



Emperor Hadrian orders that a 73-mile (117-kilometer) wall be built to mark the northern Roman Empire while personally visiting the area。 Hadrian’s Wall, as it comes to be known, is intended to keep the Caledonians, Picts and other tribes at bay。



By the early 2nd century AD the Alans were well established on the lower Volga and Kuban, in the former lands of the Siraces and the Aorsi(whom they had pushed west or absorbed)。 Alan power seems to have extended further west, encompassing much of the Sarmatian world, which for the first time had a relatively homogenous culture。



After the death of Osroes I in 129 Mithridates IV of Parthia assumed the throne and continued the struggle with the rival King Vologases III of Parthia (105–147)。



The Jewish leader Simon bar Kokhba starts a war of liberation for Judea (Bar Kokhba revolt) against the Romans, which is eventually crushed (in 135) by emperor Hadrian。



Following a series of setbacks, Hadrian called his general Sextus Julius Severus from Britain, and troops were brought from as far as the Danube。 In 133/4, Severus landed in Judea with a massive army, bringing 3 Legions from Europe, cohorts of additional legions and between 30 and 50 auxiliary units。

在一系列挫敗後,哈德良將手下大將Sextus Julius Severus從不列顛召回,並調集了多瑙河等遠方前線的部隊。133/4年,Severus率領大軍登陸猶太,麾下有從歐洲來的3個軍團,另有其它軍團的步兵大隊以及30~50個輔軍作戰單位。


The Romans retake Jerusalem。 The largely destroyed city is renamed Aelia Capitolina。

羅馬重奪耶路撒冷。這座大部被毀的城市更名為Aelia Capitolina。


In 135 AD, the Alans made a huge raid into Asia Minor via the Caucasus, ravaging Media and Armenia。 They were eventually driven back by Arrian, the governor of Cappadocia, who wrote a detailed report (Ektaxis kata Alanoon or ‘War Against the Alans’) that is a major source for studying Roman military tactics。



Hadrian dies after a heart failure at Baiae and Antoninus Pius succeeds him as Roman Emperor。



King Mithridates IV dies; Vologases III claims the throne and extends his rule throughout the Parthian Empire。


Antoninus Pius recognizes the king of the Quadi, who becomes an ally of Rome。
