香蕉奶昔的做法是什麼?(英語說法) ╲Persistence^_^ 4級 2011-11-08 回答

中文1、將香蕉剝去皮,切成小段,放入榨汁機裡,或裝入手搖式的搖搖杯,搖出的奶昔效果也不錯;    2、將袋鮮牛奶先放在冰箱裡冷藏,用時取出倒入榨汁機或搖搖杯裡; 3、啟動榨汁機,用點壓的方式榨汁,不要連續榨汁時間過長; 4、看杯中沒有塊狀香蕉,液體變得濃稠即可倒出裝杯食之。


英文:In 1, the banana peel, cut into small pieces, into the blender, or proceed with rocking type shake, shake shake the effect is also good。

2 bags of fresh milk, will be first placed in the refrigerator, with out into the juicer or shake cup; 3, start the juicer, juice with point pressure way, not too long time continuous extractor;

4, look at the cup without massive banana, thickened liquid can be poured out of the cup。

Every kind of banana milkshake。