英文翻譯:用三個句子簡單解釋成語“拔苗助長”及其寓意。 心冷致命 2級 2014-04-10 回答

Spoil things by excessive enthusiasm拔苗助長

Destructive Enthusiasm “is often used in an idiom which is the origin of this fable。 Nature and human society have their development。 Changing objective laws and these laws are not to the people‘s will。 People can understand it。 Use it 。 could not go against it。 changing it。 violates the objective law。 alone own subjective intention of running things。 despite good intentions, but the result will be rebuffed。 do bad things and we all should Song farmer as a warning拔苗助長”是人們常用的一句成語。它的出處就是這則寓言故事。自然界和人類社會都有它們發展。變化的客觀規律。這些規律不以人們的意志為轉移。人們只能認識它。利用它。不能違背它。改變它。違反了客觀規律。光憑自己的主觀意願去辦事情。儘管用心是好的。但結果必然碰壁。把事情辦壞。我們都應該以宋國這個農民為戒