1。They laugh a lot。He_____/ /

2。I often drop things。She____/ /

3。We drink a lot of tea。She____/ /

4。I often forget things。She_______/ /

5。We often lose things。He_________/ /

6。They manage all right。She_______/ /

7。I often pass your house。He_____/ /

8。I rush around a lot。She______/ /

9。I always saw the wood。She_____/ /

10。I wear old clothes at home。He_________/ /

11。I love sweets。She__________/ /

12。I often see them。He__________/ /

13。They pay $30 a week rent。He__________/ /

14。I cry at sad films。She——————/ /

這題到底怎麼做啊! 寫出下列格局動詞的第三人稱單數形式 說明第三人稱單數時讀作s z izguanjie2022013-05-28

應該是把前一句的動詞改成第三人稱單數的形式 後面的斜槓裡面寫 改成第三人稱單數後的最後加上去的子母的讀音