怎樣快速區分澳洲口音與英國口音?Fanxtastic2013-06-26 12:02:08






音顯得含糊,像含著什麼在說話一樣。有個常年在澳洲的中國朋友開玩笑跟我說,因為此國曾是荒蠻的鄉下地方,說話要當心蒼蠅飛進嘴巴里,所以。。。才會造成這樣的發音局面。(no offence。。。)

很多“愛”的音。最著名就是那句:Where are you going today? 聽起來很像Where are you going to‘die? (所以有次在高速公路上看見滿滿一車豬,我頓時很傷感的用澳音說:where are they going today?)


怎樣快速區分澳洲口音與英國口音?知乎使用者2014-02-05 18:53:55


怎樣快速區分澳洲口音與英國口音?大檸檬私塾Justin2017-01-05 18:34:45


怎樣快速區分澳洲口音與英國口音?栗子2017-01-31 10:48:27

I am quite familiar with the Australian accent (my dad is from Australia), and standard British accent (from too many friends)。 I can imitate both accents fairly well。

There are lots of differences between these two accents。 Here is quickest way I’ve found to tell whether a person is from Australia or the UK:

Ask them to say “


”。 Australians often pronounce it as “


”, while the British may pronounce every syllable。

However, if you are watching TV or a movie, you probably need another way to figure it out。

Instead of telling you how to discriminate between them, I will try to teach you how to actually speak in these accents。

It's all about where your vowels resonate!

If you already are speaking in a British accent, you just need to move the resonating space to the

back of your mouth, near your soft palate

。 Try to feel the sound at the back of your mouth and add a bit of a nasal sound。 Then you will get the basic sound of an Australian accent。

If you already are speaking in “Strine” (Australian accent), you just need to bring the resonating space to the

front of your mouth, right between your teeth

。 Try to feel the sound at the front of your mouth, almost like it‘s right between your teeth。 Then you will get the basic sound of a British accent。

After you understand the basic sounds of these accents, you will be able to tell the differences between these accents better。 Then you can start to learn about what you hear from shows, movies, or Australian or British friends。

If you can speak in these accents, you will have no problem hearing the differences。

I apologize if some of you are not familiar with the concept of “resonating space”, which I have mentioned in several of my answers。 However, this is the key to speaking in almost all the English accents。 Taking voice (singing) lessons is a good way to understand this concept。 The following diagram may also help。


Here is my answer to a related question。

澳大利亞式英語有什麼特點? - 栗子的回答 - 知乎

I hope my sharing helps。










怎樣快速區分澳洲口音與英國口音?匿名使用者2017-01-31 13:05:54

土澳萬能短語:No worries