是誰殺死了知更鳥? 曉風 6級 2010-03-03 回答

Who killed Cock Robin? (誰殺了知更鳥?)

Who killed Cock Robin?

I, said the Sparrow,

With my bow and arrow,

I killed Cock Robin。

Who saw him die?

I, said the Fly。

With my little eye,

I saw him die。

Who caught his blood?

I, said the Fish,

With my little dish,

I caught his blood。

Who‘ll make his shroud?

I , said the Beetle,

With my thread and needle,

I’ll make the shroud。

Who‘ll dig his grave?

I, said the Owl,

With my pick and shovel,

I’ll dig his grave。

Who‘ll be the person?

I, said the Rook,

With my little book,

I’ll be the person。

Who‘ll be the clerk?

I, said the Lark,

If it’s not in the dark,

I‘ll be the clerk。

Who’ll carry the link?

I, said the Linnet,

I‘ll fetch it in a minute,

I’ll carry the link。

Who‘ll be chief mourner?

I, said the Dove,

I mourn for my love,

I’ll be chief mourner。

Who‘ll carry the coffin?

I, said the Kite,

If it’s not through the night,

I‘ll carry the coffin。

Who’ll bear the pall?

We, said the Wren,

Both the cock and the hen,

We‘ll bear the pall。

Who’ll sing a psalm?

I, said the Thrush,

As she sat on a bush,

I‘ll sing a psalm。

Who’ll toll the bell?

I, said the Bull,

Because I can pull,

So Cock Robin, farewell。

All the birds of the air

Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing,

When they heard the bell toll

For poor Cock Robin。


To all it concerns,

This notice apprises,

The Sparrow‘s for trial,

At next bird assizes。

此首「誰殺了知更鳥」也有人翻做「知更鳥之死」,是鵝媽媽童謠中相當著名的一首,國外的鵝媽媽童謠集一般皆會收錄,但來到國內,國內出版的鵝媽媽童謠集幾乎不會收錄這首「Who killed led Cock Robin?」。此首歌旋律輕快且優美,也是許多英國小孩朗朗上口的一首童謠。

「Who killed led Cock Robin?」內容描述知更鳥(Cock Robin)原本被天上所有的鳥兒喜愛,最後卻在小鳥審判(bird assizes)中死亡的故事。看似荒誕的童話故事,尤其是最後”下回的受審者”竟然是童謠一開始殺了知更鳥的麻雀,殺人者亦會受到審判,使得這首童謠更添加了因果迴圈的深層含意。

也有不少的推理小說或推理漫畫喜歡引用這首「Who killed led Cock Robin?」,如 S。S。範達因在 1928 年出版的著名推理小說“The Bishop Murder Case”(中譯為主教殺人事件)中即引用了這首與其餘兩首鵝媽媽童謠。