一線工作者中的“一線”用英文怎麼說 匿名使用者 1級 2016-11-25 回答


一線工作者中的“一線”用英文怎麼說 獨走孤獨/城 1級 2016-11-25 回答

一線:常翻譯成 front line 也可以使用連字元號front-line 用法舉例: 1。一線支援人員front-line staff 2。一線經理/主管front-line managers / supervisors 3。中華全國婦女聯合會寫慰問信給戰鬥在抗擊非典一線的醫務工作者,表達謝忱之意。china women federation wrote a letter to medical workers fighting sars at the front line to extend gratitude and appreciation 4。 學院擁有近2000人的專兼職教師隊伍,800餘名專任教師中50%以上具有高階職稱或碩士、博士學位;兼任教師隊伍相對穩定,多為來自周邊高校、科研院所的優秀教師和生產、建設、管理一線卓有成績的實踐專家。 the university has a team of almost 2,000 instructors with the full-time and the part-time included。 over fifty percent of more than 800 full-time faculty members possess senior titles or master and doctor degrees。 the invited professionals are relatively stable。 most of them are excellent instructors from universities and institutes nearby and outstanding front-line experts from production, construction and administration。 among them are many well-known celebrities and authorities。 希望我的回答你可以滿意