two and three 後面用is 還是are?使用者Susan6407092021-12-30 14:44:48

1。Two and three is five。漢語意思是2+3等於幾?be動詞用is。注意首字母要大寫。


3。How much is five and four?Five and four is nine。5加4等於幾?5+4 等於9。

Two times six is twelve。2乘以6等於12。多讀多練就會有語感。

two and three 後面用is 還是are?Chris1053117862021-12-30 17:05:38

應該是用is,該英文的意思是3十2等於?B動詞應取單數!英語中的加減乘除都是取B動詞的單數形式!for instance 。nine times nine is eighty one。such as 。you and I are both teachers 。九乘九等於八十一 ,只能用單數。你和我都是教師用的是動詞複數are 。

two and three 後面用is 還是are?使用者52864956619642021-12-30 17:46:09
